Sunday, December 31, 2006

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Saddam's Execution-Milestone or Millstone

At last George Bush has done it-got his revenge for his father, who could not finish off Saddam. After 15 years Bush Junior has proved to his father that he can do something his dad could not.

He must be feeling great. And he has described the execution as a 'Milestone in Iraq's history'.

But more likely this untimely execution which has once again proved how insensitive the West can be to other cultures, may become a 'Millstone' around the neck of USA.

George Bush may feel that he has won a battle, but in his own words he has admitted that the 'war is not being won'. That is the war he started illegally against the opinions of the whole world and which is causing death and destruction to Iraq and also put thousands of American soldiers in harms way.

George Bush and his administration has a lot to answer for and he is compounding his crime daily. The latest example is the hasty execution of Saddam to which he must have given his blessing. The puppet government of Iraq has done his bidding, but they may be the one along with the Iraqi people who are going to face the consequences of the deepenig division in Iraq.

May be George Bush has an hidden agenda here, which could be the ultimate partition of Iraq on sectarian lines, giving him the control he has sought over the oil fields.

I wish the Arabs (not only those living in Iraq, but in the whole Middle East) realise soon the devious tactics of USA and pull themselves out of their myopic alliance with USA.
They have the wealth and the resources and if they need help there are other countries like the European Union, Japan, China, India and even Russia available. They must realise that they are not dependent on USA and cut their losses.

Will it happen soon enough?
Insha Allah!!!!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam's final days

Saddam is to be hanged any day and may be executed within the next couple of days- This is the latest news.

I am thinking that once again, the USA and the present Iraqi Government are picking the wrong time for this final act in Saddam's chapter. The next few days are very important for Muslims because of the Haj Pilgrimage and they would not like to be side-tracked with this horror show. Their minds and heads are lifted towards God and one of God's tenets is not to harm anyone and that killing even the smallest animal or insect is against God. Granted Saddam was a monster but forgiveness is Godliness, is it not ?
Also the USA is yet to come out with a 'new way forward' to end its Iraq mis-adventure and things on the ground are very much dicey. This definitely is not the right time to hang Saddam and make him more of a martyr and stoke the anger and passions of the Sunnis. This will mean the divisions between Sunnis and Shiias will be deepened and may become more difficult to repair. The civil war will become entrenched and USA will find it extremely difficult to extricate itself.
Not a good way to start the new year, which should begin on a more hopeful note.
I hope better sense prevails and the Iraqi Government does not rush into this.
They have held Saddam for so long and they can afford to wait some more for a more opportune time to carry out the hanging.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sanctions against Iran-Futile and Foolhardy

I only hope that the recently imposed sanctions against Iran are not a prelude to USA or UK trying to get another 'coalition of willing' set up to start thinking of invading Iran. They should realise the folly of trying to pressure a sovereign country from developing its resources or getting what others already have.

Why should nuclear technology be the monopoly of only a few countries. Granted there is a risk of proliferation, but it seems USA and select few other countries are unfairly benefiting from the the present nuclear regime they have set up, by getting all the business deals. Now they have found a loophole in that by having separate agreements like the US-India deal, which I think is mainly aimed at opening the Indian market estimated to be worth $100 billion in the next 10 years.

Iran should be treated on equal footing and trusted. Trust and co-operation go a long way, instead of hostility and belligerence.

Iraq was under sanctions but the western companies still dealt with it for trade and many middlemen made profits out of it. There is a possibility of similar corruption happening in implementing the Iran sanctions. It would be better to have an arrangement under the UN umbrella for Iran to develop the same nuclear technology which countries like India, Pakistan and Israel have got away with.

These sanctions may alienate Iran and it may proceed to behave like North Korea and thump its nose at USA, come what may. Who will be the loser? Time will tell.

Height or is it really the Low of Hypocracy ?

I just read a news item which goes like this:

----'WASHINGTON - A United States federal judge on Friday ordered the Islamic Republic of Iran to pay US$254 million ($369.77 million) to the family of 17 US servicemen killed in the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers residence at a US military base in Saudi Arabia.'----

Good as far as it goes, because the culprit has to be punished and the punishment for causing death and mayhem, though cannot be measured in money has to be a good deterrant.

But what about the crimes against humanity committed and being committed by the great USA which has taken upon itself to mete out justice to the whole world. Who or which court is going to decide upon the gravity of these crimes, the latest and ongoing of which is the invasion of Iraq under false pretenses, aided by United Kingdom. This has killed thousands of innocent people, thrown out thousands more out of their homes, made thousands of orphans (it is scary to think about how and what they will grow up to), not counting the loss of properties, revenues, etc.

Is the United States Supreme Court which awared the election to Goerge Bush in 2000 (and put the wrong man in the right place) going to have a special hearing to decide upon the responsibility and punishement to be awarded to USA for its misadventures, past and present and put a monetary value on the human lives and property lost and give a ruling on the compensation that USA should pay?

If that happens, then we can all believe and revive our trust in democracy and fair justice.

Or is it only the lives of US servicemen that can have a value and all the other citizens of the world or not worth valuing ?

I would prefer to think that the other lives lost are invaluable too and the day USA thinks similarly and acts to value every life on equal footing will be the dawn of a new Democractic World.

Will the New Year 2007 begin that process?

We can only hope.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Sarva Jano Sukino Bavanthu ( A Sanskrit prayer seeking happiness and peace for every living being)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

YOU can also be Time Magazine's Person of the Year

You can also be Time Magazine's Person of the Year on their Billboard at Times Square, New York. Please go to the website which has a facility to upload your photo to be displayed at Times Square. If selected and displayed, you will receive a web cam image of your photo as it appears on the billboard.
Go on, do the thing, and be famous for a few seconds and share the spotlight with many ordinary citizens of the world
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Monday, December 11, 2006

Nukes at centre stage again

It has been reported that the Gulf Arab states are considering a shared nuclear programme for peaceful purposes and are worried about Iran's ambition to join the nuclear club. Though the statement by the GCC says the plan is peaceful in nature, there is a possibility that it may morph into an agressive posture later when they also think of having weapons technology and capability.

Then it will be kind of a stand-off between Iran and GCC states and no one would really use nuclear weapons. Just like USA and USSR before based on the MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) policy.

With the threat from Iran reduced, I am sure USA will see the silver lining and start selling nuclear technology to the GCC states. Like they are going to do with India after signing a special agreement with enough loopholes for both countries to pursue their goals. America will do anything to keep its business interests growing and will change its policies as required to keep the money flowing in. Bombs ‘Made in America or Made with American Technology’ are welcome as they bring in more money to America.

What hypocracy.

And we should remember that USA is the possessor of the largest number nuclear weapons today (after the ignominous end of USSR and dismantling and dispersion of their weapopns) and it is USA which engaged in the arms race and is partly responsible for today's world situation as far as neculear ambition goes. May be it is also appropriate to remember that only USA has used nuclear weapons in a combat.

It now seems USA will win either way with proliferation or non-proliferation. What a wonderful situation to be in.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Exporting Democracy-as bad as exporting Socialism

In Iraq the USA has made the same mistake the erstwhile USSR made earlier, that is trying to export its brand of government.

No doubt democracy is a better form of government, but we should also remember what Winston Churchill said-Democracy—the worst form of government except all the others.

The erstwhile USSR tried to export communism in the guise of revolutionary socialism and got away with it for a long time, but in the end failed to sustain it in different nations. The end of cold war put paid to the notion of socialism in the USSR itself, and now it lies dismantled into different nations.

USA has been looking after its oil and money interests and is leading the Western group in propagating democracy in the third world, with Britain as its major ally. But they have failed to read the Islamic Middle East properly (in spite of Britain's earlier experience in that part of the world).

USA might have done well to play its money, trade and weapons exporting game only. But George Bush pushed the envelope when he dethroned Saddam and started indulging in the game of regime change and taking unilateral military action. He has not remembered the lessons of Vietnam. The result is one more country is being laid waste, thanks to the American invasion and the subsequent botched attempt to govern and bring democracy to a people who are more concerned with staying alive.

Now America will find some means to get out of Iraq (may be following the Vietnam example of cutting the losses and running away) but the damage to Iraq may take decades to repair and restore.

What a tragedy brought on by one (or may be two) democratic leaders and confirming Churchill’s statement about Democracy.

Blairs rebuke of migrants with hate in their hearts

I agree with Blair, especially his remarks that hate mongers of any creed are not welcome to migrate to UK. Well said. People should move to another country to improve their lives and they should contribute in meaningful ways to that country and not work to destroy it or wage war. That actually is cowardice.
Also one who moves to another society voluntarily should learn to adopt their ways even though some of those ways may be against the values they were brought up with. Such a person should first of all be flexible and liberal and be able to develop tolerance. And that person should also remember that he or she is a guest and should behave in such a way to generate goodwill from the hosts. You have gone there to improve and progress and not engage in detrimental activities.
The world is becoming smaller because of such migration and that is a good thing. Migrants should remember that it is their duty to adapt well and develop a sense of peaceful co-existence. Otherwise, unfavourable reactions will increase and divisions will become deeper, affecting the very fabric of the society and humanity. It is better to be human and contribute to humanity if not actively at least by being passive and going about your work, business and life without indulging in harmful activities..

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Iraq, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Darfur-Challenges for 2007

A few short paragraphs this time

Iraq: Should Iraq be split into different regions

It would be tragic if this happens, but it looks like events are pushing for such a result in some form or other. There is talk that the Saudi Royalty is not happy with the beating Sunnis are receiving and they are thinking of sending money and weapons to them. Now that would add another dangerous dimension to the existing civil war and will stoke the fires of hatred still more. And Saudi Arabia ostensibly being in America's side, it would be really provocative if they support the Sunnis. The Americans being supportive of the Shiias and Kurds, it will throw another spanner into the reconciliation process.
But it appears that America is not going to withdraw very soon and Bush may ride this out till the end of his Presidency. The Iraqis have to realise that they are not being served by these sectarian fighting and will have to think of getting the help of some neutral countries to start mediating between the sects. If nothing usful is started soon, the country may be split either formally or de-facto and once again there could a sort of cold war, the major players for which are yet to be finalised. Wondering when Russia will get in on the game?

Fiji-The new modus-operandi for takeover of a country

It appears that there is very little any foreign government can do to stop what is going on in Fiji. This is purely an internal issue, the culmination of differences between Qarase and Banaimarama. It seems like Qarase is aware that his days are numbered one way or another and is just hanging on to get the best deal for himself from Banaimarama. The takeover (or coup as some would like to call it) is almost a fait-accompli. It is only hoped that the effect on the populace and economy is kept to the minimum and Banaimarama recruits the best brains to run the country, and makes sure that frequent changes and political instability does not harm Fiji permanently. It is but interesting to note the modus-operandi of this bloodless (so far) coup. Coup by generating Fear, is it better than Coup by Killing?

Sri Lanka - A paradise being lost

What a tragedy to happen in a beautiful place with great potential. Breaks my heart to see the violence increasing again between the LTTE and the Government forces. The result is more instablity affecting ordinary people and stopping the development of the economy. The quick turnover in the leaders of the Government is not helpin in negotiations and the Tamils are getting impatient with the lack of progress in giving them self-rule, autonomy etc. This has all the hallmark of escalating into a longer and festering conflict. What is the stand of India? Will India initiate any mediation? May be China and India can be the Big Brothers to bring about a reconciliaton amongst the warring people and offer the carrot of economic aid.

Darfur-Where the money should go.

It is time the United Nations get a handle on this issue and bring an international consensus for intervention so the deaths can be stopped. The surrounding African nations should be recruited to help in this mission. Sudan needs to be isolated and an ultimatum given to it. Why not get Nelson Mandela to publicise the issue among the world and quickly organise a crisis committee. Kofi Annan being from Africa can pull his weight and may be the United Nations can give him an honorary job (after his retirement) to focus on this problem solely and work out a quick solution.

It appears that 2007 will be full of challenges and United Nations will have a greater role to play. Is this the time to have a re-thinking of how that organisation should function and redraw a road map for its future? It is more than 60 years since UN was founded to replace the League of Nations. May be it is time to rethink its role and future and the incoming Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon can get a short conference organised to get a new charter for its next 60 years and get new rules and support in place. The newly emerging super powers like India, China, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and even Iran may have better things to contribute to the future of United Nations and its mission.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

USA in Iraq-Will James Baker play Henry Kissinger ?

It is really interesting to see the developments in Iraq.

USA was hurt badly in Vietnam and went into an isolationist mode after that fiasco. Though it continued to meddle in other ways in various local conflicts, even by sending small number of troops (mostly under the advisors guise), the USA held back from any major military involvement.

Under the Democrats it also started on the path to peace and reconciliation and it was great to see that USSR and East Germany were neutralised by talks and economic aid. Another success was the opening to China and the resultant growth of economic freedom in China, which has contributed strongly to keep world growth going. USA has also done well in Technology development and this has helped countries like India to take good advantage with their brain power, software development etc.There is much to say for the good deeds of USA, though most of them may be not by design or planning.

It is really sad that one wrong decision by the people of USA to elect George Bush in 2000 has brought it to the current situation of being hated by almost the entire world. May be we can blame the then Supreme Court for their historic decision to award the Presidency to Bush.

Now Bush has exorcised the ghost of Vietnam and has involved America in another long military debacle, this time in the volatile region of Middle East. This has damaging and drastic consequences for the world at large and particulary to USA. The huge amount of money spent to continue this war could have been used better elsewhere or in developing US economy itself.

How did one person change the American psyche which was hung over the Vietnam Fiasco and recruit most of the USA to support the involvement in Iraq ? Americans in their poor wisdon gave him the Presidency and they will continue to pay for it in many ways in the coming years.

May be the Vietnam hangover will be replaced by the Iraq hangover, but Bush has to extricate America from Iraq first.

Will he follow the Vietnam script for this too?
Or will it be the next President's job?

May be James Baker can play Henry Kissinger and bring about the American withdrawal?

I would like to recall a quote I read a few years back in Newesweek
'The only thing we ever learn from History is that no one really learns anything from History'

Though History keeps repeating itself.
How appropriate.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pope Benedict-A New Miracle in the offing-Insha Allah

I am very encouraged by Pope Bendict's visit to Turkey and the way he reached out and proved that he has come with a mission to respect Islam and extend a reconciling and friendly hand to the adherents of Islam. It is equally impressive that the visit went off well without any major unsavoury incident. The photograph of the Pontiff and Turkey's religious leader Ali Bardakoglu holding holds, both wearing grand white dresses, should give an indication that this Pope is really serious about bridging the divide between the two great religions and the Islamic leaders are equally willing to bring it about.

I have a feeling that the ex-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been read wrongly by the Media and Analysts earlier, because of his long stay as Ideology chief in the Vatican under Pope John Paul II. I think that long stay might have helped him to reflect on and realise that blind ideology in religious matters and issues is not sustainable and that the Vatican needs to show a flexible face to the world and take a more active role in cultivating an understanding and friendship towards other religions.

May be he was constrained by his post and the strong personality of Pope John Paul II and could not influence him much. Pope John Paul II was very charismatic but was also very rigid in his stands, particularly in relaxing certain procedures (like use of contraceptive, ordaining of women as priests, etc) and must have read his mission as strengthening Catholicism by emphasizing the fundamentals as he knew them. But the world had moved on and he perhaps could not face the fact that in a basically democratic world, the subjects want a better say in how they are governed and directed, be it either by political or religious leaders. Also his frail and failing health would have definitely undermined his enthusiasm to make radical changes.

But that is not the case with Pope Benedict. His election as Pontiff was a well-conducted affair (contrast to the election of Pope John Paul II, in an emotional atmosphere immediately after the short reign of Pope John Paul I, who suddenly died within just a few days of becoming Pope). Pope Benedict must have canvassed for his policies amongst the Cardinals who elected him and must have given them some idea about what he thought his mission was, should he be elected as Pope. It is a credit to the College of Cardinals that they went out to elect him, in spite of his reputation as an ideologue and inflexible theoretician. I believe something radical happened in that conclave and the College of Cardinals must have debated about the future of Catholicism and the ways and means to revive its popularity and standing and felt that Cardinal Ratzinger with his long experience inside Vatican was a better candidate to implement changes, albeit gradually.

Who better to initiate these changes than the person who was earlier tasked with the responsibility of writing, advocating and implementing the rules and procedures.

I also believe that Pope John Paul II was more style but Pope Benedict would infuse more substance into his running of the Papacy.

He has started well in visiting Turkey which though secular has a majority of Muslim population and which is under tremendous pressure to transform itself more so it can be admitted into the European Union. And Turkey is better placed geographically as a bridge between the turbulent West Asia and the prosperous Europe. Pope Benedict’s blessings and reaching out to Islam in Turkey is rather symbolic and pregnant with meaning.

I fervently hope that this initiative can be seized by all the important players and a better understanding and tolerance can come about between the major religions. As it has been said by Pope Benedict, after all, they all pray to the One God and there should really be no ill-will or hate amongst them. Democracy also means freedom and liberty, which sadly has been overlooked when dealing with others of different persuasions and practices.

Insha Allah, Pope Benedict may be the catalyst to develop better understanding and relationship and bring about more miracles than are expected of him and those sick of the fighting and killing that is going on in the world will grasp his outstretched hand to promote peace and prosperity.

The signs and images are encouraging after Pope Benedict’s visit to Turkey.

God Speed to him.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Iraq-The beginning of the End Game for USA

I think the end game for US and UK in Iraq has already begun.

Tony Blair is openly talking about a time table to pullout. Bush is perhaps waiting for the James Baker Commission to give similar recommendations. Then he can seize the opportunity and quote Public Opinion as a reason to pullout. He will quickly forget his current blusters about 'Getting the job done and not running away, et al'. The ground situaion in Iraq is deteriorating very fast and Bush and Blair may not have the stomach to commit more troops. Which is good, because more troops will only add fuel to the fire.

It is also good that Iraqi and Iranian leaders are talking. But they need to rope in Saudi Arabia as well. I believe it would be a top level rapproachment between Sunnis and Shiites that will send the message to the people that sectarian fighting will bring the whole region down. Bush and Blair would do well to influence the King of Saudi Arabia to take the lead for a conference of all players where a quick agreeement to end the Sunni-Shia fighting can be worked out.

This will allow a quick withdrawal of foreign forces, to be replaced by UN troops drawn from neutral countries. These troops can administer the peace in Iraq while the factions can quicly work out a new National Government, with majority representaion to Shias but equally respectful places to Sunnis and Kurds.

The offer of reconstruction aid from USA, UK and Saudi Arabia can be the carrot to have all this in place. They should commit to unlimited funds to rebuild Iraq as quickly as possible and give wide publicity to the proposal among ordinary Iraqi citizens. They then can pressure their leaders to stop fighting and start on the path to peace.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Key to Eden Park

This posting is about the latest events in Auckland during the last few days

1. John Key as National Party Leader:
After the resignation of Don Brash, the National Party has elected John Key as leader. As they say in England, 'The King is Dead, Long live the King'. John Key has Bill English as his deputy. How really English all this sounds!!!!

Brash was not brash enough and lost the post because of his wobbly stands and wobbly reputation (not very forthcoming on certain issues) and not sounding firm on others. Though he concentrated the minds of New Zealanders admirably by raising the Maori/Nationality/Resources ownership issues.

The National Party has now replaced an ex-Central Banker with an ex-Investment Banker as its leader. Let us hope the Investment Banker reads the minds of the market (public mood) properly and is agile enough to make the most of the prevailing winds. Who knows, if he brings his dealing acumen to politics (already there is a glimpse of it in how he co-opted Bill English), the National Party may go up in the ratings and the Labour may have a real fight (instead of the shadow boxing it engaged in with Don Brash) and it will be interesting times all around.

I am sure the Media must be salivating at the potential and profits in the days ahead.
Best of luck to all.

A way to fund Eden Park:
Now that the Waterfront has sunk even before it started floating (anything to do with the global warming and rising sea levels?), it is time to reflect how the Eden Park upgrade is going to be funded. As of date, the declared shortfall is about $225 million and it may go up as days go by and real work starts on the plans.

I have a suggestion. Why not make Eden Park Trust a Public Limited Company and float shares or debentures and give an opportunity to Aucklanders to subscribe to the same. This way the people who voted in the polls for Eden Park can put their money where they put their votes and also show that they are willing to take the lead for establlishing Auckland as an International World-class city. There is already the example of AECT (Vector) which is partly owned by countless Aucklanders who are benefitting every year from dividends. Aucklanders don't want a rate raise to fund Eden Park upgrade but those who can afford may take up the opportunity to buy their way into ownership of Eden Park. And may be the Eden Park Trust can throw in an incentive of preferred/free tickets to the Rugby World Cup finals to the subscribers of shares/bonds.
Will the authorities look into this ?

Waterfront development:
Thanks to Trevor Mallard, the Auckland waterfront has gripped everyone's attention now. It is a good time to think of ways to develop/improve it and the opportunity should not be lost to continue the debate and learn what Aucklanders really want for their Waterfront. It is a waste to continue using it for just storing containers and used cars.

There has to be an iconic building and a combination concert hall, events venue and museum on the waterfront. May be we can draw on the experiences of similar cities like Sydney, Bilbao etc and get ideas from Kiwis all over the world. A construction and development boom is necessary for the waterfront/CBD to be revived.

The Central Government has a big surplus, but as long as Labour is in power, nothing is going to come back to ordinary citizens. Why not use the surplus to promote economic development at the Waterfront and benefit many people?

I know these questions are easy to ask but tough to decide on. But that is why we pay the elected members top dollors and that is one of the Key Performance Areas in their work.

So I am hoping Key will raise to the occasion and and labour hard with the Visionaries in New Zealand to do his duty.

Long live English and the King.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

India and China-Interesting Times for the Future

After the visit of Hu Jintao to India and signing of several agreements, the scope for each country investing in the other has increased.

Already several Indian companies have tested/tasted the water in China. Unlike the western countries which have had to face many difficulties, it is hoped that China will be more welcome to Indian Companies/investors and make things easier for them. After all, the Chinese have been practising economic liberalisation for the last few decades and must have learnt that liberalisation has to be really that with full freedom and not shackled by the chains of red-tape and protectionism.

I am waiting to see how the Indian Government and Companies will react when they hear about the plans of Chinese Companies to invest in India like the Shanghai Electric's plan to invest $ 1 billion in a plant to manufacture equipment for domestic power plants. Now that is going to be a direct competition to BHEL which is dominant in that field and which has Public and Private ownership and has been a stock market star for the last 2 years. Will it be affected by this competition or will it take this as an opportunity to introduce better technology and service and compete on efficiency and price?

What about other manufacturing sectors? Will they be able to stand the Chinese entry?And how far the Indian Government will embrace these investments or will it ever think of making an about-face when Indian Companies petition it to protect their turf.

It will be a tragedy if they do so, because India has proved that it can operate on level playing field with Western Multi-nationals and has nothing to be afraid of Chinese investments in production facilities. In fact, it will boost the manufacturing sector in India and may bring it to the level of success the IT industry has enjoyed. The beneficial effects on increasing employment and spreading the wealth to other sections of population (the semi-literte and illiterate workers) should far outweigh the loss of income/profit to Indian Companies.

Another interesting aspect is will International investors from other countries create joint ventures with Chinese companies to invest in India?

The Elephant and the Dragon have started feeling each other out.

I fervently hope it will be a Friendship of the Giants to show the world what co-operation can do to lift everyone up the ladder and not end up as a Clash of Giants, hurting everyone.

The Chinese are coming hopefully with their blessing and friendship and as one of their favourite saying goes 'May everyone live in intersting times'.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Auckland-The Stadium Debate

I wish to have my 5c worth of say in this debate.
It will be good to have a new stadium at the waterfront, provided the design is good and represents New Zealand in a special way and can be showcased as a good tourist attraction like the Sydney Opera House. This may revive the CBD and draw more conventions, games and international events to Auckand and benefit New Zealand.
The Auckland City Council and the ARC should come clean with a firm estimate and the government should underwrite cost over-runs. There should be a clear guarantee that the Auckland rate payers won't have to pay anything towards this.
The Eden Park may be converted to a school and may be leased to Auckland Grammar School to start a branch there. New students enrolling there should pay a one-time enrollment fee of say $3000 each and an annual fee of $1000 to pay for the new Waterfront stadium and its maintainence.
This way it is a win-win for everyone, Auckland Grammar gets a brand new school and the pressure on the old school goes, the property prices will go up in CBD and the scholl areas and new entrants will pay their way and the Public will get a brand new school and stadium paid for by people who can afford it.
How about it? Any takers?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Iran going nuclear-Is it such a disaster?

I think not only Iran but many more nations are thinking of developing nuclear weapons and it is very difficult to stop that. Particularly when USA is ready to be accommodative with selected countries like India with which it is entering into a deal, allowing continuation of weapons development sans inspection and control. The West has no moral standing in this, because of the weapons already possessed by USA, UK, France, etc. And Israel has been allowed secretly to have its own nuclear weapons though no one is willing to acknowledge that publicly. This seems to be the worst kept secret in the world.

And Iran is really not threatening any nation, though there is rhetoric flying about destruction of Israel. It is Saudi Arabia which seems to be worried about Iran having nuclear weapons and may be USA is supporting its ally. George Bush has lost credibility to stop nuclear proliferation and it is doubtful whether US's leadership will be effective. Look at North Korea.

It looks like the best option is to allow Iran to proceed with controls in place monitored by UN. May be the existing members of the Nuclear Club could get togther under the auspices of UN to work out ways to reduce and eliminate the stockpile already in place, so they will have the moral authority to stop any new country from developing nuclear weapons.

But the reality is that if any country wants to go nuclear and has the finances and resources availble, very little can be done to prevent it, short of invading that country, but Iraq has proved that it can't work either. A bitter pill to swallow but the world is too big and the divisions are too entrenched to be controlled by any one group.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Peace in the Middle East-It need not be a mirage.

Peace can come to Middle East when the Nations of Middle East, including Israel realise the folly of continued warfare and enmity not only between Jews and Arabs but also between different sects of Arabs. It is a pity that the Region with the most important and wealthy resource required to run the world is suffering and its people are not benefiting by the oil they are supposed to own. It really escapes understanding how they have allowed outsiders and some despotic rulers to hijack the wealth and make daily life a misery for countless natives.

It is high time the Leaders of the Nations there wake up and unite to present a common face and strength to the Western World. They are not dependent on Western countries any more. There are other nations like Russia, India, China, Japan etc which can help these nations in technological and economical development.

States like Dubai. Qatar and Bahrain have already adopted ways to deal smartly with outside world. They have realized their power and importance and have leveraged their wealth nicely to make sure Western countries deal with them on their terms which is a win-win for everyone.

When will the old powers like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Syria realize this? They have a long history of civilization and should see that continued division and fighting only helps others to increase their interference and influence, much to the detriment of natives. The rulers may get some immediate benefits but their times are limited. They stand to gain much more if they put an end to the fighting amongst themselves and lead the Region to peace and prosperity.

And Israel should realize that being in the Middle East, its future is in making peace and negotiating for a safe environment for its own development. They are blinded by the support of USA, but there is no guarantee that America can stomach much more blood-spilling by its troops and the American Public is realizing the economic cost of supporting an unethical stand. So Israel should not feel that it is part of the Western World and should not depend on getting much support for its uncompromising stand on borders, etc. In case it is not willing to deal directly with Arabs, it can petition the United Nations to set up a group of neutral countries like Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore etc to negotiate a good deal between Arabs and Israel.

It is time to think outside the box or square as the saying goes and give up dependence on the traditional powers like USA or Europe to work out a peace plan. They have proved their inability to bring about a peaceful solution. They are not part of the solution but are really part of the problem.

The solution should come from the people of the Region, the Arabs and the Israelis themselves.

My request to the leaders of the Nations of Middle East:

Stop the fighting and think of what you are losing and what others are gaining at your cost. Your people deserve better and it is you who have to provide that.

May Allah and Yahweh give you the wisdom you need (as they sure did in the past, according to your own history)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

An Ode to the Outbound Team - by the Great Boss Lady who created and nurtured the Team

This is a personal message.

Today we had the farewell for my ex-boss from my ex-team at the Bank I am working in. It was a great evening with much laughter (by me and because of me by others) and much crying (by the boss lady who was leaving the team). It was fun with good drinks and food and an evening of remembering the good work done by the Boss and the Team.

I am very proud to have been part of the Team and sharing the success. The Boss lady was a very generous person giving her time and attention to everyone and making everyone in the Team feel that she was there for him or her alone. She was keen to see the Team members grow and go out on promotion and for better prospects elsewhere. No wonder she named the division, the Outbound Team (with success unsaid). She never spared any praise and was very circumspect and diplomatic in her criticism, but her stare said more everytime. She was great fun to be with always. Very human but professional. Beauty with brains, an indomitable combination. May her tribe increase.

I am reproducing the poem she wrote and read out today. You can see why she deserves all the accolades, if she can produce a masterpiece like this about the staff she worked with.

An Ode to the Outbound Team.

April 2004, this Outbound Team started with a hiss and a roar
Everyone was nervous for this was a change
We'd be calling clients, not the other way
Afte training the team hit the phones a fortnight later, oh goodness me.
What a caler!

The customers were suspicious, a bank being pro-active?
Fear not dear customers, it is better than being reactive
After hiccups and issues, the results started coming
Not long afrer, the team was humming!

Mini fin-aps and targets and they were a big ask
Then marketing decided, that's not nearly enough
New leads were developed and tested by many
Teh work piled up, there was always plenty

That's enough about the tasks, what about the people
Surely there is some stories that can't be equalled

There's plenty of people that have come and gone
One evern swallowed a tack which went wrong
Another lady thought she was pretty hot
Until she realised there was a leaving present-NOT!

To Bank Direct they flocked, like bees to the honey
With promises of making large sums of money
Nitin, Ranjit and Ali Abbas
Now making their millions without a big fuss

Enough of those who have gone before
What about the team that is no bore
We've been called many a thing, but we reperesent the United Nations
Some of us even as loud as a Tongan Radio Station

Staff First is still ababy, only one year in the making
There is plenty of business for the taking!
Emails, calls and mini fin-aps
These ladies and gent don't take any flack.

Susanne and Andrea were there for a while
Then Stu came and pinched the one with a lovely smile
Andrea left to seek a husband and fame
Some of her clients thought that was a shame

Wee Wee balied to a more technical role
But could not bare to leave the fold
Finding a desk in the pod one block over
She could always keep an eye over her shoulder

We can't foget our founding Fathers and Mother
They are nothing like any other

Our social co-ordinator Mr Jay indeed
Used his acquaintainces to get us a cheap feed
And if hte money was tight, Mother Rameez to the rescue
With a carrot cake to add to my weight issues

Mr Satish, or should we call him our Mr One Team
Dined on Level 29 nearly bursting at the seams
And Deepak, Mr Cool, our famous Wimbledon Star
but sometimes I wonder-could he have been our own Rock Star?

There's those who heve deflected to many places around
Jeevan, Vaishali to BRU they were bound
Simon later joined them much to their glee
Now they are known as the Famous Three.

Sanjay and Mohan (which one ?), they like to laugh a lot
Sometimes I wondered if they have been smoking pot???
Roushel and Sheila, they are still a bit green
But who can blame them for wanitng to join a fabulous team?

Giselle and Richa both quiet and shy
They make the boys smile when they walk by
Mr RAvi in the corner, working away
Is happy as long as he gets through the day

Vijay took the Outboudn part of his role to heart
And challenged himself from the start
This weekend he heads to Outbound Bound
Enjoy the adventure you are about to be found

A couple of people yet to mention
Out Mr Wong who craves attention
And Brenda, our lovely lady from the shore
Decided to join the good guys (that were not a bore)

Maria and Tyler, our North Shore residents
But on special occasions, Dom Road tenants
With Maria's experience and Tyler's youth
I am sure they could tell us a few home truths

Forgive me if there is anyone I forget
But Grace was the last one that has left
To IM in harbour she was bound
I wonder how many dents her car has found

It's been a long time running, almost three yers have past,
I can honestly say that I have had a blast
We've laughed and we've cried, we've fought (and ouf course I have won)
But most importantly, we had great fun

I leave with fond memories of days been and gone
And I am sure you're glad I did'nt sing a song
Be good to each other, work hard and live well
I'm lucky to have worked with each one of you, it's been swell.


Yes Boss, it has been really swell to have spent time as a member of this great Team.
Our hearts go with you to future successes and fun and laughter and may be some tears.
May everyone be blessed forever.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bush and Blair-The beginning of the Great Divide?

Now Tony Blair has started talking about a regional solution to the Iraq problem and is seeking to enlist the help of Syria and Iran. But his tone is still authoritative as if it is the Middle East's problem to be solved by Iraq's neighbours.

Blair has forgotten that it was his great friend George Bush, who started the invasion with a mis-guided notion that Saddam and Al Qaeda were allies and punishing Saddam would stop Al Qaeda and with the wrong intelligence that Iraq was producing WMDs. Blair went along with Bush and put British troops in harms way. The mess that has happened since is too horrible to revisit again.

Now that George Bush has become a lame duck President with no control of the Congress and Senate, Blair has seen the writing on the wall and wants to find out a easy way to get out. But his friend across the Atlantic is still not ready to meet with Iran or go easy on the nuclear issue.How far will Blair now support Bush or will he lead a new coalition of the erstwhile non-willing to counsel Bush and get him to come to the table for a meeting with Iran.

And what about the other great power of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia. You can't have a lasting peace there without the Saudis' support and they seem to be in Bush's corner at present

It will be very interesting to see how Blair plays his cards now and whether he will ditch his friend and try to make a name for himself in the history books as the Peacemaker?

Friday, November 10, 2006

How to end the Iraq War-an update-Use Saddam to unite Iraq.

This is in continuation of my earlier positng about how to end the war in Iraq. Now another opportunity has come with the sentencing of Saddam Hussein. Saddam has already appealed to Iraqis to stop fighting. George Bush has won by having Saddam captured and letting him go on trial and convicted and sentenced. But Saddam may have his use still. He is one person the Iraqis are familiar with and if he is recruited to end the war by getting his country-men to unite under a coalition of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, it would be a fitting retribution for his past sins. And it appears he may be willing to do so. So why not offer a long jail sentence to him and spare his life and get him to lead the revolution to join all Iraqis together. This may also stop any further escalation of violence if Saddam is executed. Till his fate is decided his presence would be a thorn in America's side and they may as well have a bargain with him to get him to do something to repair the Iraqi society.

George Bush has proved that the end justifies the means by invading Iraq unjustifiably and with out any valid reason. He can now look at the real end which is bringing peace to Iraq and get America out of a mess, and use Saddam for the same.

May be the United Nations or the new Congress/Senate dominated by the Democrats can look at this suggestion.

Will they?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Democrat and the Dictator

So it is finally over, Saddam Hussein has been found guilty and has been sentenced to death by hanging. George Bush must see this as vindication of his decision to invade Iraq and rid it of the despot and free its people from Saddam's tyranny. Good as far as it goes.

But the manner in which this result was brought about raises a big issue. Is USA or its President qualified enough to decide who is a dictator to be dethroned and which country deserves freedom from its ruler and whether USA has the sole authority to invade that country with false pretenses of Weapons of Mass Destruction and cause irrepairable damage to its people and assets and resources?

The real reason USA invaded Iraq may be to ensure its interests in a key area of the world with huge oil rserves are safeguarded and to ensure it has control over a vital resource required to run daily life in USA and drive up the profits of the Big Oil Companies. Did Bush take the opposition in Iraq to Saddam as an opportunity and trump up false accusations of WMD to invade Iraq? He also might have used the 9/11 attack by Al Qaeda and concocted an imaginary link between Saddam and Al Qaeda to buttress his arguments to invade Iraq.

And the consequences of this mis-guided, mis-informed and mis-managed invasion are there for all to see today- destruction of the Iraqi society, countless dead and displaced, loss of property and a near civil war with no end in sight to the misery visited upon the common man, woman and child.

But the intersting and worrying question for the world is how far a licence can be given to a purportedly democratic country and its leader (however poweful they are) to decide about the regime-change in other countries and manufacture reasons to invade it and spoil it. If this licence is granted to USA and exercised by it by choice and selection, is it not akin to turning a great Democracy to a form of Dictatorship.

In the great Hindu Epic 'Mahabharata' while delivering the 'Bhagavat Gita' Lord Krishna says 'whenever there is Adharma (oppression of good) in any Era, I will come to the world to destroy it and establish Dharma (Good) again'-Rough translation only. Is USA and its President whoever he/she is to be vested with this power to establish Good and Justice? Are they to act in the name of God to do so? It may be okay for a God to become a Man to do his deeds but is it okay for a Man to become God and take on these powers?

If Good is to become Evil to defeat Evil, is it a victory for Good or Evil?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Global Warming-Lots of hot air

The Stern report on Global Warming has started a much needed debate to discuss the effects of global warming and has pushed it to the front of the agenda in many forums.

I can't help but wonder about the double or even multiple standards adopted by the world leaders to the question of development and how it affects living standards and global warming. The developed world has enjoyed the fruits of development and innovation and has reached a stage of richness and prosperity by exploiting the resources of the earth and the world. They are now however talking about the ill-effects of development taking place in China, India, Brazil etc which are aspiring to improve their economies and raise the living standards of their people. But these efforts are being perceived as contributing more to the gloable warming. The environmentalists and naturalists are now worried about the consequences of continued growth of these countries and the effect it may have on depletion of resources and increase in pollution and warming due to more industrialisation. Though it is true, is it justified to ask these countries to go slow on their development so that the already developed world can continue to enjoy their prosperity.

The other question is if these countries put a brake on thier growth, what effect it will have on the economies of the developed world like USA, UK, Australia and the OECD nations which see these countries as the market for their goods and depend on them to increase thier exports.
Not to forget the Big Oil Companies which take their raw material from much of the developing world and whose final products contribute to the pollution and global warming to a great extent. Will they or their stake-holders be ready to accept a big fall in their income/profits for the sake of improving the atmosphere and lessening the harmful emissions.

This is a classic catch-22 situaton where the speeding train cannot be stopped without a break-up, but continuing to speed ahead may take the train to disaster.

The only solution may be managed slowing down of the world economy, which requires consent and co-operation by all the major players. A system of compensation for the developing and undeveloped nations from the already developed nations may be required for this managed slow-down to take place. This requires sacrifice by every one. How this will be agreed to and implemented and who will supervise the same? Will the United Nations grab the leadership on this critical issue?

Already USA is proving to be difficult to realise its role in bringing the world to the present desperate state, and is refusing to contribute in any meaningful way. Who is strong enough to bring USA to the realisation that it has a big responsibility in leading the world out of this crisis. Will it be its friends like UK, Australia or its critics like France, New Zealand and other OECD countries which are part of the developed world as of today? Or will it be the new giants like India, China and Brazil etc which themselves are dependent on continued growth in their export markets in the developed world.

This is a very complicated situation and just more and more talk will only create more hot air and hard feelings. The time has come to think of radical solutions like massive transfer of wealth and aid to feed and clothe and maintain the undeveloped nations like those in Africa. A mechanism will have to worked out to tax the developed nations and use the funds to slow-down and manage the economic growth in other countries.

Time is running out fast and the train is hurtling towards an unknown land and uncertain future. Who will grab the throttle to manage a safe ride and arrival for the passengers?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Change of tactics- I am not George Bush to stay the course

When I started this blog, I thought it would be picked up my friends in different countries (as many of them are avid net surgers) and they would either respond to it online or email me. This has not happened. So I think a change of tactics is necessary. I am going to give out details of my blog site to my friends/relatives so they can check it out and if they like it visit it periodically. And they can respond by adding their comments. Hope I can start healthy debates regulary and keep every one busy and engaged in news/events. Insha allah.

Public Speaking 101- Special Edition for Leaders

I really can’t understand why persons occupying leadership positions keep talking stupid, irritating and annoying things and issuing statements which inflame public opinion. Recently, first it was the Pope when he said something about Prophet Mohammed (Bismillah Ir Rahiman ir Rahim), even though it was a quote of a speech by an earlier Pope, and then it was Jack Straw the ex-foreign minister of UK (weighing in with his remarks about Muslim women wearing veils) and now the Sheikh in Australia who has said that women who don’t cover their faces/bodies are open season for sexual attack by men. It is not clear whether he meant his remarks to apply for Muslim women only or he meant it for all women in general. If latter it would be really arrogant as he is not the spokesman for Women of the World, leave alone for all Muslim women. He had no business to say what he said. As a Religious Leader, he should not have had Sex on his mind and should not be looking at how men and women have sexual desires and what generates that desire. He should have confined himself to studying religion and doing service to the poor and downtrodden.

Of course, then there is the inevitable George Bush, who always puts his foot in his mouth with his remarks/comments/opinions (which are based on unfathomable ignorance) and who has become the laughing stock of the world (but with very tragic overtones for everyone) because being President of USA what he says and does is/can be much more constructive or destructive, though he seems to be happily oblivious of this.

Surely all these leaders must know that their comments will be broadcast by the media, which is always looking for sensational news, the more the better as it will keep the news/event in focus, helping in sales/circulation. In this internet age what the leaders say or do is being picked up by practically everyone and is giving immense offence to some section or other. Are they so insensitive or arrogant or do they do this deliberately with the intention to stir up and cause trouble. Or are they looking for their proverbial 15 minutes of fame which in recent times has usually become 15 minutes or shame.

Religion, Politics, Gender, Race have all become very explosive issues of late in these current uncertain times, with major wars going on (again ostensibly pitching major religions or civilizations against each other, to paraphrase these leaders themselves-West vs. Islam, etc) and with major cultural upheavals taking place all over the world continuously, due primarily to mass migration/displacement of people. The world is getting smaller and smaller, fueled by technological innovations and increasing speed of communication and it is becoming difficult for people to adjust to the proximity of other people of different backgrounds.

People occupying public/leadership positions should be very conscious of these developments and pause to think before making impromptu remarks/comments and think about the possible public reaction to their comments. This is not to restrict freedom of speech. They have a responsibility to anticipate reactions and think twice before saying/doing something. I think being a leader means being politically/culturally aware and having the ability to raise issues in a more moderate and acceptable manner. May be they can go for some course or other with academics to unlearn and re-learn Public Speaking. I would request these leaders not to say anything if they have nothing useful to say in the first place. Your ratings should be driven by deeds and not words alone. So once more my plea is to cool off and don’t venture into explosive issues without thinking of consequences and reactions.

All you will be doing is to increase the wealth of media barons who feed on such careless comments and you will also be alienating your constituencies. Unless of course, you are an investor in the shares of media companies and have taken it upon yourself to drive up the value of your investment. Is it the money that makes you go round and round?

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Present and Future Middle Easts

It is great to see the Tata Group of India venturing out to acquire the Corus Steel Company from its Dutch owners, thus consolidating steel production in the hands of 2 Indian groups, the Mittals and the Tatas. This is a very strategic move for India as it will dominate the supply of one of the most important materials for infrastructure building throughout the world. I am sure the Tatas had their eyes on the vast market shaping up to the east, China. China is undergoing a constant and continuous expansion of its economy and is poised to consume more oil, energy, steel and coal in its nation building. The two Indian steel empires are well positioned to take advantage of this and increase their business and profits.
This brings to mind the expansion in economic development taking place in India itself, fueled by the IT boom. The revenues it is receiving from software exports and outsourcing is boosting its foreign exchange reserves. India and China have amassed huge reserves and are cleverly using them to undertake rapid expansion of infrastructure and production facilities for various manufacturing industries.
They are going to overtake the developed economies like Japan, France and Germany soon, proving to the world that the East is rising and is here to stay and grow. In this context, it is interesting to note the geographical location of India and China in Asia. India is in the middle and China is in the east end. Is not correct then to say that they are going to be the real Middle and East of the future. I have always wondered why the Arab countries of Asia are called the Middle East when they are located at the western most end of Asia.
Anyway, if the present Middle East with its vast oil/energy sources and the real Middle (India) with its huge professional/managerial talent and business acumen and the East (China) with its enormous appetite and market join together, they would soon be an unbeatable combination and front to challenge the Western world for economic prominence and dominance.
I hope the leaders of China, India, Iran, UAE and Saudi Arabia, the real players in Asia, take a note of these developments and opportunities and work together to develop Asia as the future economic superpower it should be. I also think this is the right time for a new economic group of all Asian Nations is to be established by the leaders of China and India to realize this potential
Will the Elephant and the Dragon dance together soon?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Iraq- A way to clean up the mess but will George Bush go for this

I think the mess in Iraq can be cleaned up if George Bush accepts publicly that it was a mistake to start the war in the first place and seeks the apology of the Iraqi people. He can then bring Iran and Saudi Arabia together to a peace conference under the auspices of United Nations. USA can get the backing of Saudis to help Iran develop its nuclear technology for energy purposes (just as it was ready to do with North Korea) and if necessary get the Saudi consent to Iran having a couple of nuclear warheads. The Saudis can also be persuaded to use their oil money (which is increasing daily thanks to the higher oil prices which is the direct result of the war and the uncertainty it has brought) to help in reconstruction of Iraq. The Iranians, in return for the co-operation they will get to become a nuclear power (which is the Iranian ambition) will get the Shiites in Iran to make peace with the Sunnis and persuade all of them the Sunnis and Shiites and the Kurds to join together in a coalition government. The United Nations will appoint a monitor who will be sort of a Regent to make sure the coalition government works properly to restore peace, law and order in Iraq and use the aid money from the world (principally the Saudis and the Americans) to rebuild Iraq. The logistics will be worked out and implemented by the United Nations. This will be the most massive reconstruction after the renewal of Europe under the Marshall Plan and the whole world can participate in the re-building and help the Iraqis.
Will George Bush consider this option and work for peace?
A Million or is it a Billion or Trillion dollar question?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Nuclear Tangle or Triangle-India, USA and Iran.

It is strange that USA is taking all efforts to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions while itself possessing loads of nuclear weapons and having the notoriety of being the only nation in the world to have used the Bomb. It is also involved in the spread of nuclear technology and materials to its friends around the world, ostensibly for the purpose of peaceful use of nuclear energy. But its friends have used the technology to build nuclear weapons. This includes Israel which is reported to have deliverable nuclear warheads
The latest friend USA has acquired and is selling nuclear technology to, is India. USA has now forgotten that India has always been against USA’s monopoly holding and use of nuclear technology. So America has decided that if you can’t beat them, join them. Now it is going to sell technology to India. But Indians are clever. They have read the present mood correctly and have realized the America could be pressured to be liberal in its rules. So they have got away with selective inspections and the freedom to continue their research and development into weapons technology as well in isolated facilities which are not open to inspections. Kudos to India for getting the better of America
And then comes Iran, which is a good friend of India in the business field and has been helped in its own economic development by the Indian professionals. Why does America not believe when Iran says it won’t use nuclear technology for military purposes? Is America the only authority in the world to decide who is reliable in their promises and assurances and who is not? It is not just double standard, but multiple standards when it allows its friends in the Western world to develop and possess nuclear technology/weapons and allows and trades with India in these materials but does not believe in Iran.
But I believe the real reason for America getting cozy with India now is money. America has realized that the restrictions imposed on the development of nuclear technology by non-nuclear club countries and new entrants are hurting its own business prospects and it is losing money in a lucrative field. So what better way than to rope in India which has a huge demand for energy and which can afford to buy the technology now thanks to its good reserves. After all it is money that makes the world go round and more so it is money that drives America in different directions with different purposed and ideologies.
America will do anything to keep its business interests growing and will change its policies as required to keep the money flowing in.
So don’t be surprised if one day America makes peace with Iran and even North Korea to enable it to be the sole or dominant provider of nuclear technology. Bombs ‘Made in America or Made with American Technology’ are welcome as they bring in more money to America.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Madonna and the Kid

Madonna has a right to adopt a baby she wants to and if her fame and celebrity nature helps her to speed the process, it is all the more good for the baby in question, because he can escape early to start his good future. This may also have the beneficial effect of countries reviewing their adoption procedures/rules to make it easy for benevolent outsiders to reach out to help orphans. The only thing to remember is, the celebrities who adopt orphans should be as sincere in raising the children. And it might be a good idea to restrict the number of children each celebrity can adopt because I think they may not be able to devote time to all the kids in view of their busy lives. We dont want the kids to end up in a Private Zoo with keepers minding and feeding them for the occasional display to the public, do we?

Blair and Bush

Now there is debate in UK after the General Dannant's comments about the British troops in UK. They are wondering whether they should get out of Iraq when it is possible with the army intact or whether to continue into the slide into anarchy and get caught up in the aftermath. I think Bush will not allow Blair to get away so easily. Blair is tied too closely to Bush and is blinded to the reality of wht is happening in Iraq. Bush will stay the course as he has nothing to lose himself. Blair has his escape route in the form of Gordon Brown who has already been anointed as successor. So it is just a question of time before both leave the scene altogether. Bush will be fired by his people when the Republicans are dislodged in the November election and Blair has taken voluntary retirement. So both have nothing to gain by withdrawing troop now. What a pity, as they will stay the course and cause more damage to the fabric of Iraqi society and destroy more of it in the process.

The purpose or shall we call it the Grand Design

I started this blog inspired by my nephew. He is a blogger himself, though I understand he is not very active in this forum at present. He has other forums available for him and he is making good use of it. I have my first posting on the Veil, and I am expecting some reactions. meanwhile I was contemplating what I wished to do with this and I have come to a decision. I think I will use this space to post brief first reactions/comments to news items. Sort of sounding off with my big mouth. And also to see whether my friends pick up and recognise me and write back to me. And if there are any reactions to my reactions , I will try to respond. This way healthy debates can take place. Hope I am doing the right thing, in the right forum and in the right manner.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The veil

I am a New Zealand Citizen of Indian origin. I grew up in Madras now Chennai where people of all religions inter-mingled freely without any trouble. Right from my young age I have moved with Muslim families and it was quite common for us to see many Muslim women walking, shopping and inter-acting with rest of the society, while wearing burqua (head to toe covering). We never even thought about it consciously and it was just part of the society and taken for granted. I am sure they were not desparate are trying to be different. It was just the way they lived and was easily accepted by others. Not only this, each religion had its own peculiaritie requiring its adherents to wear somethings, either signs on their bodies or a particular type of dress and it was all accepted as natural. We also had several visitors from overseas who used to wear shorts and revealing tops and they were also tolerated and not made fun of. In fact they were welcomed and given due courtesy as revered visitors.
Only now with mass migration of people moving to western countries, the natives of western society feel that anything different is bad, without trying to understand the culture/religious circumstances. I am sure like any religion, Islam also requests its adherents to treat women with respect and it is being followed by most. Treating women as sex objects and portraying them in a cheap way is a purely western concept, propogated by Advertising and we can see this on-going degradation on TVs, newspapers, billboards, internet etc.
So it is sad that inappropriate remarks are made by persons occupying positions of high office, about Muslim women wearing veils and interpreting this in a wrong way and genralising it with stupid assumptions. This will only alienate muslims and other migrants and will be very much counter-productive.
Let everyone live his/her life in his/her own way. Dont be scared of different ways of living/values. The so-called split or confrontation between Western and Islamic societies is more in the minds and imagination of politicians and vested interests and is being fuelled by newspaper articles giving prominence to these mindless utterances.
I think a bit of cooling-off is necessary. 9/11 was a great tragedy. But it is in the past. Let us move on without the hangover causing more damage than the original incident as it has already done in Iraq and other places.