Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saddam's Execution-Milestone or Millstone

At last George Bush has done it-got his revenge for his father, who could not finish off Saddam. After 15 years Bush Junior has proved to his father that he can do something his dad could not.

He must be feeling great. And he has described the execution as a 'Milestone in Iraq's history'.

But more likely this untimely execution which has once again proved how insensitive the West can be to other cultures, may become a 'Millstone' around the neck of USA.

George Bush may feel that he has won a battle, but in his own words he has admitted that the 'war is not being won'. That is the war he started illegally against the opinions of the whole world and which is causing death and destruction to Iraq and also put thousands of American soldiers in harms way.

George Bush and his administration has a lot to answer for and he is compounding his crime daily. The latest example is the hasty execution of Saddam to which he must have given his blessing. The puppet government of Iraq has done his bidding, but they may be the one along with the Iraqi people who are going to face the consequences of the deepenig division in Iraq.

May be George Bush has an hidden agenda here, which could be the ultimate partition of Iraq on sectarian lines, giving him the control he has sought over the oil fields.

I wish the Arabs (not only those living in Iraq, but in the whole Middle East) realise soon the devious tactics of USA and pull themselves out of their myopic alliance with USA.
They have the wealth and the resources and if they need help there are other countries like the European Union, Japan, China, India and even Russia available. They must realise that they are not dependent on USA and cut their losses.

Will it happen soon enough?
Insha Allah!!!!!

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