Saturday, December 09, 2006

Blairs rebuke of migrants with hate in their hearts

I agree with Blair, especially his remarks that hate mongers of any creed are not welcome to migrate to UK. Well said. People should move to another country to improve their lives and they should contribute in meaningful ways to that country and not work to destroy it or wage war. That actually is cowardice.
Also one who moves to another society voluntarily should learn to adopt their ways even though some of those ways may be against the values they were brought up with. Such a person should first of all be flexible and liberal and be able to develop tolerance. And that person should also remember that he or she is a guest and should behave in such a way to generate goodwill from the hosts. You have gone there to improve and progress and not engage in detrimental activities.
The world is becoming smaller because of such migration and that is a good thing. Migrants should remember that it is their duty to adapt well and develop a sense of peaceful co-existence. Otherwise, unfavourable reactions will increase and divisions will become deeper, affecting the very fabric of the society and humanity. It is better to be human and contribute to humanity if not actively at least by being passive and going about your work, business and life without indulging in harmful activities..

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