Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bush and Blair-The beginning of the Great Divide?

Now Tony Blair has started talking about a regional solution to the Iraq problem and is seeking to enlist the help of Syria and Iran. But his tone is still authoritative as if it is the Middle East's problem to be solved by Iraq's neighbours.

Blair has forgotten that it was his great friend George Bush, who started the invasion with a mis-guided notion that Saddam and Al Qaeda were allies and punishing Saddam would stop Al Qaeda and with the wrong intelligence that Iraq was producing WMDs. Blair went along with Bush and put British troops in harms way. The mess that has happened since is too horrible to revisit again.

Now that George Bush has become a lame duck President with no control of the Congress and Senate, Blair has seen the writing on the wall and wants to find out a easy way to get out. But his friend across the Atlantic is still not ready to meet with Iran or go easy on the nuclear issue.How far will Blair now support Bush or will he lead a new coalition of the erstwhile non-willing to counsel Bush and get him to come to the table for a meeting with Iran.

And what about the other great power of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia. You can't have a lasting peace there without the Saudis' support and they seem to be in Bush's corner at present

It will be very interesting to see how Blair plays his cards now and whether he will ditch his friend and try to make a name for himself in the history books as the Peacemaker?

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