Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Nuclear Tangle or Triangle-India, USA and Iran.

It is strange that USA is taking all efforts to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions while itself possessing loads of nuclear weapons and having the notoriety of being the only nation in the world to have used the Bomb. It is also involved in the spread of nuclear technology and materials to its friends around the world, ostensibly for the purpose of peaceful use of nuclear energy. But its friends have used the technology to build nuclear weapons. This includes Israel which is reported to have deliverable nuclear warheads
The latest friend USA has acquired and is selling nuclear technology to, is India. USA has now forgotten that India has always been against USA’s monopoly holding and use of nuclear technology. So America has decided that if you can’t beat them, join them. Now it is going to sell technology to India. But Indians are clever. They have read the present mood correctly and have realized the America could be pressured to be liberal in its rules. So they have got away with selective inspections and the freedom to continue their research and development into weapons technology as well in isolated facilities which are not open to inspections. Kudos to India for getting the better of America
And then comes Iran, which is a good friend of India in the business field and has been helped in its own economic development by the Indian professionals. Why does America not believe when Iran says it won’t use nuclear technology for military purposes? Is America the only authority in the world to decide who is reliable in their promises and assurances and who is not? It is not just double standard, but multiple standards when it allows its friends in the Western world to develop and possess nuclear technology/weapons and allows and trades with India in these materials but does not believe in Iran.
But I believe the real reason for America getting cozy with India now is money. America has realized that the restrictions imposed on the development of nuclear technology by non-nuclear club countries and new entrants are hurting its own business prospects and it is losing money in a lucrative field. So what better way than to rope in India which has a huge demand for energy and which can afford to buy the technology now thanks to its good reserves. After all it is money that makes the world go round and more so it is money that drives America in different directions with different purposed and ideologies.
America will do anything to keep its business interests growing and will change its policies as required to keep the money flowing in.
So don’t be surprised if one day America makes peace with Iran and even North Korea to enable it to be the sole or dominant provider of nuclear technology. Bombs ‘Made in America or Made with American Technology’ are welcome as they bring in more money to America.

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