Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Open letter to Obama

Bravo, President Obama

In your interview to Al-Arabiya you have said all the right things in the right tone and manner. Now you have taken the issue to the Muslim world and it is transparent that you want friendship and peace with all the peace-loving Muslims. I am sure there will be positive reactions to this. America under your leadership seems to be putting the correct step forward.
Please make sure all your administration embraces these sentiments and style and then you will win hearts and minds.
I am also impressed by Robert Gates when he talked about the limited goal of the world community in Afganisthan. The focus should be to 'get the limited job done quickly and get out'. If you also follow through on your promise to get out of Iraq within a short time-table you would show your sincerity to the world.
But remember USA also has a commitment to rebuild the countries ravaged by it. May be the present economic circumstances in USA do not permit you to start a Marshall Plan for Iraq but you have the responsibility and liability to start some rebuilding going there.
I wish you all the best.

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