Sunday, January 27, 2008

Anti-Human Predictive Tests for Children

I am so appalled by a proposal being discussed in New Zealand for testing children as young as 3 years tor future predictive behaviour and so identify future criminals, etc. So smacking of George Orwell's 1984 and Hitler's experiments. The next step could be Eugenics and the State mandating who can mate with whom and who can procreate.

The link to the story is

The fallacy can be exposed just by asking - what about children who grow up to be harmful politicians, military dictators, autocrats, dishonest businesspersons, etc. For example think of George Bush, Pervez Musharaff, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Jerome Kerviel, Conrad Black, Enron Chief and similar persons who have done more damage to the humankind than a small time criminal or violent person who might cost about $25000 to the society.

The point is anybody can go wrong in different ways and every human has the potential to do immense good or immense harm to others. There can't be any single or universal means to test for what a person will grow up to be and how circumstances will shape that person.

It is really stupid and anti-human to conduct a single or series of tests to predict the future of a child.

Life or Nature is not that simple.

Even if the tests are somewhat okay and identify some children, what is the state going to do? Can they guarantee a programme that will turn that child around and make sure he or she grows into an acceptable person? What if there is change of government and lack of funding for such purposes? The children so identified may be just left stranded. What about the feelings and rights of the parents?

It is all so stupid to even think that the State or some Professor who has done some sort of research has all the answers.

Evolution is a dynamic thing and the measures that are being considered may all have more damaging unforeseen consequences for the society to pay later.

Instead more time and fundiing could be devoted to ensure a stable and happy atmosphere in as many homes as possible with employment, schooling, housing and of course stricter law enforcement and may be a more rigorous sentencing and rehabilitation for criminals.

Just remember, modern Australia was founded by convicts and if they had been screened earlier and put under some Government Programme, Australia would not be there as it is today.

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