Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mission Accomplished- Part Two

I think Bush will declare 'Success' and get out fo Iraq soon

Don't forget he decalred 'Mission Accomplished' 4 years back

Only the Iraqis did not take him seriously and prolonged the fighting.

Poor George, had no option but to play along

But 'Victory' and 'Success' is in sight and he has seen it first hand at Anbar in Iraq.

We are breathlessly waiting for his pronouncement of "Mission Fully Accomplished -Part II'.

And let us not be stingy.

Let us all agree.

Especially the Iraqis who are very tired of all this destruction

They should heartily certify that Bush's mission has succeeded and wish him and his troops farewell

God speed to the Victorious Yankees.

Update on 16/9/07

Bush the Bania
George Bush is doing the typical retailer's trick. Incease prices by 300% and then offer a sale discount of may be 50%. He increased the troops in Iraq by 30,000 soldiers earlier this year for the 'surge' and now he is advocating the return of 7,500 or so, because Iraq is now a 'Success'. And he has changed his goal from Victory to Success. What Success? Once American oil interests are protected by the passing of the Oil Bill in Iraq, the USA will declare full 'Success'. The 'Defeat' will be for the Iraqi people. They are the losers in all scenarios.

Still there can't be anything wrong with America withdrawing its troops, either gradually or all at once.

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