The rich Arab countries in the Middle East are cozy with USA and are spending billions every year to buy arms and ammunition from USA, even though there is no threat of any country invading them and taking over the oilfields.
USA is the main backer for Israel which also receives arms/ammunition from USA. The Arab countries instead of spending on arms can give their funds to the Palestinians by way of grant every year to live peacefully in their cities without provoking Israel.
Granted the land is precious to both the Jews and Palestinians, but some sort of peaceful co-existence can be worked out with enough cash for the Palestinians from the Arab countries till they settle down.
It is horrible to see the Muslims being massacred by the Israelis. USA can't solve this issue because of its role as the main arms-supplier. I am sure the ordinary citizens of Palestine will be ready to lead a normal life with cash support from the Arab countries and get on with their lives.
I think USA is the main culprit in keeping the Middle east situation alive, because it gives an oppoprtunity for the arms makers to continue to sell to both sides and make money. The Arabs should realise that they are being taken for a ride.
Instead they should boycott USA and refuse to sell oil to the Americans. There is enough demand elsewhere for the Oil to be sold at $40 per barrel. The Americans should not get the Oil or the Oil money which is being invested there. That would put a stop to their supporting Israel. A public promise of continuous annual subsidy to each citizen of Palestine by the rich Arab for a promise not to back thehardliners like Hamas or Hizbullah will make the Palestinians realise that there is a better way for peaceful co-existence. What I am saying is 'remove the middle-men, both the Americans and the Hamas/Hizbullah' from the scene. This requires a bold vision and guts, which the Arabs should demonstrate they have and work now or lose another opportunity.
Remember what was said of Yassir Arafat-He never lost an opportunity to lose the opportunity to make peace.
However I have the feeling that all the negative opinions against Israel will not make any difference to the situation. Israel and USA will continue their policies of keeping the Middle east under tension, so they can pursue their practice of making war and money by sale and use of arms.
The US congress has laid down the gauntlet by passing a resolution supporting Israel and its right to self-defence. Will the Arab countries take up the gauntlet by passing similar resolutions expressing support for the Palestinians and pledging to do whatever it takes to see justice done and acting on the promise ?.
I am not sure. Till that will and determination is developed, America/Isarel Team will call the shots in the Middle East. Middle East has the resource which America needs but America is calling the shots. What a shame
United Nations in its current structure and rules with veto systmes is not going to be of any help.
The Arab countries are too much linked with the market in USA for their oil revenues and investments. The Palestinians are not going to get any justice soon.
There has to be a shock to the International Community. That can happen only if all nations who support Palestine withdraw from the UN, the Arabs boycott the USA and stop selling oil to USA and if the Arabs come together to give an ultimatum/deadline for the peace process to be completed. The Arabs should withdraw their investments from the Western World and look elsewhere for their security. America/Israel team is not invincible.
But what do the Arbs want?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
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