Friday, January 30, 2009

Early repayment penalty and Withholding tax on Bank interest

The fall in interest rates in many countries has not percolated to the home owners who had borrowed and fixed their loans earlier. In several countries like New Zealand, the Banks charge a penalty to unfix the loan and refinance at the current lower rates.
The Governments should come to the party with a Early repayment Subsidy for unfixing the loans fixed at higher rates.
The banks are getting tax payer money as bailout and guarantees. So why should not the taxpayer get help from the Government for lessening his financial burdens.
Remember it is the Central Banks which ratcheted up the interet rates in the last few years to cool the housing market. Now they are reducing it to boost the housing market and want citizens to increase their loan liabilities.
What is the guarantee they will not stiff the borrowers with higher rates again in the future.
Why should the banks be always winners and the citizens the losers.
The early repayment penalty is being collected by the Banks upfront which many may not afford.
Granted there are contract terms and all that, but consider that the whole mess internationally has been brought about by Banks and Finance Wizards playing fast and loose and now they have gone off with their fat bonuses.
Also look at the bigger picture. The financial wizards who were trusted with the tax payers' money in the form of deposits played fast and loose and lost all of it in many shcemes they themselves did not understand. They were greedy for their fat bonuses and speculated with someone else's money. Now Governments all over the world are coming to their rescueby pumping billions into the Banks which really do not deserve it.
How could an ordinary citizen who wanted to just buy a house understand the complexities of loan contracts and forecast the future losses. I also suspect that in most of the cases the borrowers' attention was not specifically drawn to the implications of all this when they signed the documents.
Besides the above subsidy, to help the elderly who have invested money in Bank Term Deposits who are affected by the lowering of interest rates, the Government should immediately remove the withholding tax on the Bank deposits may be with a ceiling. This would give good relief to those who depend on interest from these deposits for their livelihood. They have trusted their hard earned money with Banks which sadly in the recent past had not taken good care of it.
The Governments should direct their assistance correctly to immediately benefit the tax payers which will also boost the economy.
Otherwise people would lose faith in the Government as they have lost in the Finance guys.

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