Saturday, December 29, 2007

Benazir Bhutto felled by The American Kiss of Death

The tragedy of Benazir's assassination could be attributed to the American desire to impose a Fast-paced democracy on Pakistan. They got tired of supporting Musharaff and struck a deal with Benazir to be their person in Pakistan. But the American Embrace and Kiss are always a Kiss of Death for anyone in a country like Pakistan.

America has been a player for too long there, propping up an Army Despot and alienating the ordinary people and the revolutionaries. Poor Benazir, she did not read the signs on the streets properly and might have thought that she could resurrect her image with American help and money. But it played out in a more deadly way for her.

It appears that Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the assassination, but they also may be taking advantage of an act they wish they had done. The real perps may be hiding in the Army, who knows.

I have a feeling that Benazir's assassination was an opportunity seized by the gunman. He was positioned there but Benazir gave him the chance when she stuck her neck out of the sun-roof. The real terrorist event planned and executed might have been the bomb-explosion. The gun-man might have taken the chance and shot Benazir when she stood up and presented an easy target. The assassination probably was not pre-planned. The bomb-explosion a few feet away did not hurt anyone else in Benazir's van or her alternative van behind. Out of the people in these important vehicles, only Benazir was killed, that too because she stood up.

All that is now left is for America to contemplate one more failed Foreign Policy Initiative for which Benazir had to sacrifice her life. Musharaff may have all the reasons now to postpone the elections. And it may be right to have a cooling-off period to let the emotions and hatred settle down a bit.

And the Lesson here is Stop listening to America and don't do things to suit American needs. Pakistanis are capable of sorting out the mess themselves without Western assistance. If at all any outside help is required they can take it from the Muslim Community of Middle East.

Americans are not Friends in need or Friends indeed.

Meanwhile the Army may have an internal coup and Musharaff could be removed and replaced by another General, more civil and acceptable. Then everyone, including USA first, will fall behind the new leader.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Putin and Modi - Victory in Adversity

It is interesting to see how Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi both have come out victoriously and on top of their respective worlds recently.

Putin is now Time Magazine's Person of the Year, because of his part in bringing Respect and Glory back to Russia and its citizens. Putin is not loved by the West and is depicted to be Undemocratic and at times even Autocratic. But he has done enough to restore Russsia to a lofty place in the world order. He has re-ignited a sense of Pride in the Russian Citizen. After the end of Cold War, USA was supposed to be the sole remaining Super Power. But George Bush lost it all in a unjustifibale war and the American Economy and Declining Dollor are not helping the American Cause. Putin wisely took advantage of these, the high price of Oil particularly and also silently increased Russia's influence among the Nations disenchanted with the Americans. He has tightened his hold on the Russian Politics and has finally come out ahead.

Narendra Modi in Gujarat was vilified by everyone for his anti-Muslim practices. But the other side of the coin was he too instilled a sense of Pride among the Hindus of Gujarat and made them realise that being Hindu is not a shame. He led by example with a simple life, uncorrupt policies and moved heaven and earth to develop his state of Gujarat. Witness the industrialisation that is proceeding there at breakneck pace and general increase in wealth. This must have trickled down to many oridinary residents in the state, including Muslims. Modi was steadfast in his path and actions and has been rewarded by the electorate. Against a massive campaign by the Opposition parties and the Media, Modi has prevailed.

I think the reason for both Putin and Modi's tirumph is they have worked for their people.

Leaders should not forget that People come first and Power will follow.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Pouring Oil on Troubled Banks

George Bush's misguided war in Iraq and the sub-prime fiasco have pushed USA into a record decline. The net result is the astronomical increase in oil prices, which is going to the Middle Eastern Oil Producers making them wealthy beyond imagination/expectation.

The surplus funds in their hands are being used to buy plum American Banks and Companies. The poor losers are the American Public who pay higher taxes, see a decline in the value of their homes, face increasing gas prices at the pumps and see their dear dollor lose all value, putting a dent in their holiday plans.

There is no point in decrying the economic effects of wrong decisions by the American Government and Banks.

USA is a great advocate of free markets and sometimes the markets work against them and they have to face the consequences.The sub-prime crisis will play itself out soon and the Banks will go back to their merry lending ways. The market will correct itself when demand and supply positions balance out.

Americans should realise that a great recycling of wealth and influence is taking place in the world and there is not much they can do about it.If they want to act against anyone it is George Bush.Time to impeach him and put a stop to the war in Iraq.

Till then Americans should drive less and consume less.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Obama and Oprah-Made for the Media ?

I THINK it is a desparate measure by Barack Obama to get Oprah to campaign for him. He was losing his mojo and did not really become a great hit on issues. He also saw Hillary getting ahead inthe polls with a broad-based support including from many Blacks, thanks to Bill Clinton's goodwill among the Blacks.

So Obama had to get his own Black Celebrity to endorse him. It has great entertainment value for the American Media that Oprah is out there campaigning. But it is only that,mere entertainment and a means to make more money from a gullible public. The Media must be laughing all the way to the Bank. And Oprah is getting her name and image more out there.

Poor Obama is relegated to the background, just mouthing the same old stuff about how Experience is not equal to Better Judgement and all those punchlines about New Vision, etc.

But when it comes to Administration, experience really counts, and there are going to be some bad calls, but experience is all about learning from the mistakes. Obama has not made any mistakes to learn from and the country is not going to risk him to do that now, especially as President.

I believe when it comes to the crunch, Americans will go for a good adminstrative background and will elect Rudy Giuliani, nothwithstanding his personal iamge issues

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rudy Guiliani- The next President of USA-No more

I have been saying it for some time but now I have decided to record it.

I believe Rudy will be elected the next President of USA in 2008.

I think America is not yet ready for a Black or a Woman to be its President.

Barack Obama is self-destructing and has lost his momentum. He has lost his audience because he is not seen to be patriotic anymore. He is not wearing the 'Flag Pin' and did not think it was important to sport it as a symbol. And anyone who does not want to vote for him can use the excuse that 'he is too young and inexperienced' and does not reperesnt the majority of Americans and they may be right too. He is too early on the scene. With a difficult War raging on and the American economy down and the Dollar almost disappearing from the Global Arena, most Americans may not want to risk an unknown Black person at the helm of affairs.

Hillary Clinton on the contrary is too well-known and many may not like what they know of her. She has the Clinton Baggage weighing her down and she is seen to be too ambitious and may be too compromising to attain her personal goals. What is her real achievement anyway? She had a bad go at health-care and has not controlled Bill well while she was the First Lady. She might have generated more credibility if she had disowned Bill after the Monica Lewinsky affair, but instead she stuck with him, may be with the idea not to jeapordise her political advancement. She does not represent the average American Woman and is seen to be more Male than Bill. What is her record as a New York Senator?

Rudy Guiliani has a good track record as Mayor of New York and his patriotism has been burnished by the 9/11 tragedy. He had cleaned New York and had run a tight ship. His personal problems may create sympathy with the voters as he fronted up and dealt with them in full public glare and came out unscathed. And he has the immigrant success aura as well. His experience in governance is there for everyone to examine and assess.

So my gut feeling is Rudy will defeat the Democratic Nominee (Hillary, most likely) and will win hands down. I won't be surprised if at the right time, George Bush endorses Rudy,which may bring the extreme Right into Rudy's fold.

If it becomes cliff-hanger between Rudy and Hillary, you can always count on John Robert's Supreme Court to swing the decision in favour of the Republicans and Rudy.

God Bless America.

Update on 31/01/2008.

Well, there goes my reputation. Rudy has gone off, just after a stupid one-state stand/
What a waste. To think that he could have made a decent fight if he had taken the whole campaign more seriously. Anyway. America may be more blessed now.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Newsmakers-Dr Watson, Al Gore and Benazir Bhutto

Dr Watson's theory of White Supremacy

Dr Watson has just disproved his own theory. His statements have demonstrated that the White man is not so intelligent or clever, after all that genetic advantage .They have a knack for putting their foot in their mouth. Does not make them superior , does it? Thanks Dr Watson, what a way to prove the White Man's supremacy in things brainy.
Keep doing this, you might bring about racial equality soon.

Al Gore's Nobel- Was it a noble deed by the Committee ?

It looks like the Nobel committee was swayed by the crying and scare-mongering of Al Gore. Is that the only criteria for getting the prize. Shout about an important issue? Where is the action?
Based on this criteria, the next Peace Prize should be given to the person who shouts most advocating non-violence and vegetarianism. That at least would be aimed at saving countless lives, both human and animal.

Benazir Bhutto's bloody return to Pakistan

I wonder what legitimacy Benazir has to contest in an election with a conviction for corruption in her past. Why did the British and Americans work out this deal with President Musharaff ? Is Pakistan's fate being decided overseas and has it's government been outsourced ? Seems like the USA and UK are makiing sure of their continued influence over Pakistan and ensuring the use of its land and space for their alleged War on Terrrorism. And Benazir has conveniently positioned herself to gain from this imperative to stage-manage her return and white-washing of her convciton. Money laundering is a crime for Americans, but political laundering is welcome, especially when it helps American interests. Once again the ordinary Pakistani citizen has to pay the price.

And there is a slight suspicion in my mind that the bomb blasts were also the handi-work of outside interests (CIA dirty tricks may be or MI6 manipulation perhaps) to create instant sympathy for Benazir and to ensure her future election prospects. I fervently hope I am wrong, but will have to wait for the dust to clear on this one.

There will be many shadow-plays between Bhutto and Musharaff. The day is not far off when Musharaff strikes a deal with Bhutto (and her American Masters) to get out of Pakistan with all the loot he has amassed over the past several years. Then Bhutto will be allowed to become the leader of the country with the full support of Americans. How much she will amass is left to anybody's imagination. How much of the American money being sent to Pakistan goes back to the Principals in America is the real question. The American citizens and Pakistani citizens are being ripped off massively.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Genocide or Political Suicide ?

Once again USA is stupidly taking the moral high ground, passing out strictures on another sovereign nation. This time it is the Congress passing a resolution against Turkey.

And the Administration is opposing it because it needs to be friends with Turkey. If it was a stricture against Iran or Sudan then the Adminstraion would have joined in. What a shambles.

Why should the Americans label everything and everybody and every nation on this earth to fit into their categories? And the funny thing is the labelling keeps changing as per the prevailing political wind and need.

Has America forgotten its own past of uncivil treatment of many of its own citizens, the native Indians, Blacks, Japanese, Communists and even War protestors.

Why can't the Americans be labelled anti-humanists? Is it because of the money power that USA is getting away with such stupid acts?

Any way, now that the damage has been done, can the US Congress please make a list of all similar large-scale massacres going back to since the time of Jesus Christ and certify all of them as genocides and be done with it.

Please be sure not to miss out the massacres suffered by various people at American hands either in legal or illegal wars and covert and overt actions, past and current.

And make sure that Congress reserve a session every year to update the list, because I am sure America will have a large contribution to make in future.

May be this can be even published as a book by the Congress Library.

It is a pity that the Democrats have started or are participating in this political suicide. Must give great comfort to Rudy Guiliani.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Does America need a President?

Here is the former Fed Governor Alan Greenspan's answer to a question made to him about the American Presidential Election in 2008.

Interviewer: "Who would you like to win next year?"

Greenspan: "Is one of the choices leaving the office open? "

I immediately thought 'what a Capital idea'

We all know the damage that has been done to America and the World by one President in the last few years and I am sure it will take a few more years for another President to set things right, provided he even realises that things have gone awry and takes the responsibility to address them.

But the reality of American Presidential Election rules out that possibility.

There are so many interest and influence groups from Right and Left and Centre and Outer Space (God may be) that it would be nearly impossible for a President as an individual to make up his own mind as to what needs to be done.

And we have seen the quality of the Candidates; not very inspiring at all. The same old Politicians in different style and form, mouthing same old platitudes.

To think that the next American President may be elected based on whether he is pro or anti-life , pro or anti-God, pro or anti-Oil, pro or anti-World is very depressing. Added to that is the complication of how a Woman or Black candidate in a leading position may threaten established interests and how the people will really vote in face of such candidates. The heart may play a larger part in the decision-making than the mind. Is it for good?

May be this is the right time for America to realise the limitations of giving unlimited power to a single individual and consider changing their Government system to a Parliamentary model?

I know a few Parliamentary Democracies are thinking of the opposite, but the largest Democracy of all, India, seems to have considered the options and decided that the present Parliamentay system is working well.

The framers of American Constitution devised many checks and balances between the Legislative and Executive branches, but George Bush has shown that it is easy for one to dominate the other, even overrun the other, especially when when the Legislative branch is week and blind to the realities. So the balance may tip and the check may disappear, as proved by the events of last few years. How to restore the balance?

May be abolising the post of President altogether is the right way to go.

Or as Greenspan has implied, 'Give it a rest and let the post be vacant for a few years to see whether a President is really necessary'

The World and Americans really need a Break.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The 2 Presidents-The Good Iranian and the Bad American

I was shocked by the language used by the Columbia University President Bolllinger to his guest President Ahmedinijad. It is not the way to treat a guest, however repulsive the guest may be. And mind you the guest was invited, so the responsibility was with Bollinger to extend decent, human courtesy. He failed miserably in that, in public, in front of the students whom the University is supposed to educate in worldly ways.

My sympathies for President Ahemdinijad have increase manifold by watching his smiling face and unruffled reacion to the insults.

And don't forget the points he made. He was right about 'why Palestinians have to pay for what the White man did to Jews in Europe'. The British created the Palestine situation and as is their practice, got out of Palestine in a hurry, dividing the people there and creating arbitrary boundaries between nations and people. Americans stepped in later to exploit the troubled circumstances and made sure they got oil cheaply for decades. It was very correct of President Ahmedinijad to bring this point to the fore.

As for as nuclear energy is concerned, every nation on earth is entitled to expoit it. The real grudge of America is that Iran is not buying the technology and materials from it. If tomorrow Iran were to offer a business deal to USA, then all opposition would vanish. Witness the 123 deal with India. It is money that tickles Americans' fancy and that is what they live and die for in far off lands. What a shame?

I am glad that Bollinger gave a chance to President Ahmedinijad to show his statesmanship and tolerance and intelligence.

However Bollinger himself lost a good chance to show the 'Good American' to the world.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I am not ashamed to admit that I am not smarter than a 2nd Grader

Because I was that age once .

KIDS ARE QUICK as demonstrated by the following clever exchanges

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .
MARIA: Here it is.TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Maria.
____________ _________ _________ ______

TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
____________ _________ _________ _________ ___

TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell "crocodile?"
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _____

TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
____________ _________ _________ ____

TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
____________ _________ _________ _________ ___

TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
____________ _________ _________ _________

TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with "I."
MILLIE: I is...
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, "I am."
MILLIE: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."
____________ _________ _________ ___

TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the ax in his hand.
____________ _________ _________ ________

TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
____________ _________ _________

TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE : No, teacher, it's the same dog.
____________ _________ _________ _____

TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher.
And my favourite

Teacher- Jack, when will you ever learn?
Jack-It is all up to you, you are the Teacher .


Teaching is like Selling Customers dont like to be sold but they love to Buy Children dont like to be taught, but they love to Learn

Monday, September 10, 2007

Carnatic Music is Eternal-How to keep it so

I am constantly wondering how Carnatic Music is passed on from generation to generation.

Did the famous composers and masters did anything special or magical to keep this great Art form alive after their time?

I believe it is extremely difficult to teach Carnatic music in a formal manner like other subjects and expect it to be absorbed by any student.

Carnatic music is very unique. It has to be heard, listened to, felt, heard repeatedly, appreciated and generated by oneself for Self first and then for others to listen, enjoy and own and if they are so inspired to learn and practice.

So if any musician wants to propagate and promote Carnatic music then it is his duty to keep performing so others can hear and be inspired to learn as they like.

There has to be a basic Give and Take.
Performing and inspiring by the brilliance of the performance is the Giving.
Listening, appreciating and then being inspired to learn and practice is the Taking.

Theory plays a very insignificant part in the whole process.
To put it lightly, Music has to be like Economics, the practitioners of the latter art being the ones who see something work in practice and then go on to see whether it works in theory also. And if they do find it, go on to win a Nobel Prize too.

One question though, in this modern world with so many pressures and distractions for the youngsters, what can a parent do to find out if his or her child is 'musically inclined' and is ready to become a musician?

This blog post is under development and I am sure it is always going to remain a work-in-progress, just like learning and excelling in Carnatic Music is.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Elephant and the Eagle-Is it the right match at the right time?

I am glad that USA has realised the significance of having a strong relationship with India and is making several overtures to India like the 'Nuclear Deal or No Deal' and the Joint Naval Exercise and similar stuff.

But there is a little uneasiness in my heart as to whether for India it is going to be a 'Good Deal' to get so close to USA at this time in the latter's world position. And what are going to be the covert terms imposed on the relationship by the 'Big Brother'. Already some of the Senators are saying that India should scale back its relations with Iran, and there might be behind-the-scenes pressure to settle with Pakistan on Kashmir in haste. And the close military exercises are bound to raise the hackles of the Bear and the Dragon.

I believe that India should play its cards very very carefully, mindful of the history that USA had deliberately ignored India for decades and was always somewhat skeptical and condescending towards India.

If there is one thing that makes the Americans tick it is the smell of money. All right, it works for India too to strengthen the economic and commercial ties with USA. So in that perspective, the Nuclear deal is a great opportunity for both countries. But the strings attached to the deal should be examined and should be made sure that they don't turn into a noose around India's neck.

India should always keep in mind that first of all it is an Asian Powerhouse on the way to become a World Player but it has still a long way to go. Cozying up too much to the Western Chief might not be a good idea at this time when that Chief and his Tribe are in all kinds of troubles.

The strong ties built over decades with Russia and the exciting possibilities of combining with China for dominance in the Commercial Arena could be the guiding posts for India. And I am sure there is more long-term prosperity on that path.

Of course, the West needs all the friends it could get now and India need not be shy of accepting the friendship, but in Reagan's phrase India should 'trust but verify' and take each deal on its own merits and examine the downside of getting tied too much to one Camp.

India has always been plowing its own very unique course and time has justified that approach. They should continue on that path.

There is however, one way Americans can show their good faith. How about a deal to Outsource the running of US Government to India. I am sure The Murthys and Premjis and the Raos of the IT world can work out a viable and profitable business plan for this and pull it off.

May be the means to a Nation's heart is through its Computers where you can play 'Soft' and 'Hard' to everyone's benefit

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mission Accomplished- Part Two

I think Bush will declare 'Success' and get out fo Iraq soon

Don't forget he decalred 'Mission Accomplished' 4 years back

Only the Iraqis did not take him seriously and prolonged the fighting.

Poor George, had no option but to play along

But 'Victory' and 'Success' is in sight and he has seen it first hand at Anbar in Iraq.

We are breathlessly waiting for his pronouncement of "Mission Fully Accomplished -Part II'.

And let us not be stingy.

Let us all agree.

Especially the Iraqis who are very tired of all this destruction

They should heartily certify that Bush's mission has succeeded and wish him and his troops farewell

God speed to the Victorious Yankees.

Update on 16/9/07

Bush the Bania
George Bush is doing the typical retailer's trick. Incease prices by 300% and then offer a sale discount of may be 50%. He increased the troops in Iraq by 30,000 soldiers earlier this year for the 'surge' and now he is advocating the return of 7,500 or so, because Iraq is now a 'Success'. And he has changed his goal from Victory to Success. What Success? Once American oil interests are protected by the passing of the Oil Bill in Iraq, the USA will declare full 'Success'. The 'Defeat' will be for the Iraqi people. They are the losers in all scenarios.

Still there can't be anything wrong with America withdrawing its troops, either gradually or all at once.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Shame on India

I am doubly saddened today when I read that the Juhu Plaza Hotel in Mumbai (earlier Bombay) had thrown out a Pakistani Film Producer Hasan Zaidi just because he is a Pakistani national.
More horrible is the hotel representative's justification that many hotels in Bombay ( and I don't know where else in India) follow a similar policy of not giving rooms to Pakistani and Bangladeshi Nationals.

I am very ashamed of this behaviour and I feel the Central Government should step in and immediately revoke the licences of these hotels to operate. There is no justification for such exclusion on any ground at all.

I am worried that with India getting closer to USA economically and with the Nuclear deal in the offing, there should not be any copying of America's tactics of excluding or profiling people on the basis of Nationality, Names, Skin colour etc. "War on Terrorism' should not force civilised nations to do despicable things in the name of 'protection and security'. It is all very wrong.

India just recently celebrated her 60th Anniversary along with Pakistan and one of the themes in all the news items was the evils of partition and the massacre that took place at that time. After the passage of 6 decades, attempts should be made to bring the two people together and small-minded people and organisations that work against this should not be encouraged at all.

Hope the Indian Government acts fast to rectify this injustice

Mahatma Gandhi's Nation has to lead by the right example

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Be very Offended and Angry

This is the news item I saw today morning which made me feel very sad

People speaking Arabic stops plane
5:15AM Saturday September 01, 2007
All passengers on an American Airlines flight from San Diego to Chicago were ordered off the plane, after passengers complained of hearing a group of Arabic-speaking Iraqi men.
The Iraqis were questioned by police but released. All of the passengers had to stay overnight.

Of course, this should make many people feel very very offended, justifiably so and also very angry too. What is happening to the country which has the Statue of Liberty as its primary icon, proclaiming to the world 'send me your poor and unfortunate and they can work towards prosperity in America, bringing glory to themselves and the Nation'

It is very depressing to see that George Bush's America has become such a paranoid place that it has to be afraid of people speaking different tongue. Will this pattern be extended to people speaking other languages too, in course of time, as and when Bush declares other nations as 'Axis of Evil'.

So next to be targeted will be Korean and Persian speakers. And in future it could be Afghans speaking Pushtoo and one day it will come closer to home when Hispanics speaking 'Spanish' may also be feared. But will they make an exemption for them because America was discovered by Amerigo Vespussi and Christopher Columbus.

What if this practise is adopted by other countries which are America's allies like Australia, UK etc. So if you speak your native tongue (which is not English) in any one of these countries you could be arresed or thrown out of restraurants, deplaned etc.

What a great service to the 'Unity of Mankind' by Geroge Bush. Does he still deserve to be the American President ?

And finally does it give a right to the French and Italians and the Arabs to extend similar treatments to people speaking 'English' in their countries?

I think it does.

Be very offended and concerned

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

NINJA, SubPrime and CDOs

Sub Prime has now taken Prime Time

It is just another Ponzy scheme, but done by large and so-called respectable players

The ultimate losers will be the tax payers and ordinary citizens who have either lost their savings or will be taxed more in future to pay for the rescue

This type of mis-adventure by the financial insitutions is a oft-repeated story, particularly in USA.

Remember the S & L crisis of a few decades ago.

The builders and real estate agents have made their money and now it is the turn of the vultures, who may buy the foreclosed properties cheap, to benefit

What a shame ?

Do you know that if you live in USA you can also get a NINJA loan?

That is people with 'No Income, No Job and No Assets' are given home loans

These are worse than 'Sub Prime' loans.

All these 'exotic' loans are then bundled into CDOs (Collateralised Debt Obligations) or 'Certain Death Ordnanace' perhaps and sold to Investment Banks, Money Market Funds, Hedge Funds etc

And if these Big Players lose their investment and go broke (the amount involved is upwards of $500 billion), then the Federal Reserve will step into lower rates, give them tax reliefs and may be even buy the properties foreclosed

Meanwhile the builders and real estate people laugh all the way to the Bank , if one is left standing that is.

Long Live the Fed

Only downside is you have to put up with George Bush and may have to go to fight in Iraq and come back in a body bag

Any takers?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

India-Sexy at Sixty

India-Sexy at Sixty
Pakistan-Dragged down by the Military
Bangladesh-Never given a chance to grow
Sri Lanka-Paradise Lost

The above is the latest situation of the sub-continent, 60 years after the British left the region. The partition itself was a botched affair, never thought out properly, done in haste. Of course the leaders of the undivided India at that time were also largely to blame for forcing Britain's hand in dividing and running away.
It is fortunate that India had a multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-religious society which acted as a great check and balance against domination by one group. It really allowed India to develop on the theme 'Unity in Diversity' and took the best of all communities. India had to be divided into linguistic states early on to give a sense of identity and ownership to different people and it has paid off in healthy competition between regions. Though places like Bihar and Orissa could not capitalise on that. English education and Central Planning to industrialise was the underpinning of India's slow growth, but grow it did.
The computer gave a chance to India to break out of its morass and the IT revolution has shown that Indians are capable of innovation, grabbing opportunites and leading in anything they want to. Democracy is thriving in India in a unique way. The next step will have to be address the inequalities in living standards. May be a little bit of 'outsourcing at home' in planning and execution of welfare projects will lead the country to spread its wealth and prosperity.

Pakistan has to throw the military out and settle with India the Kashmir issue before it can hope to do some growing up. It is an irony that inspite of being an Islamic country, Pakistan is not getting the support of the rich Arab nations in its development. It has been forced to take the side of USA, but that is costing it dearly in unrest at home and diversion of resources to Military. The sooner the link with USA is cut, it may be better for Pakistan.

Bangladesh has to be handed over to a Trust and Management Agency for identifying its potential for development. The natives are so mired in poverty and natural disasters they have time only to struggle to survive. May be United Nations can play a role here or rich Western Nations can adopt Bangladesh and have a sort of 'Marshall Plan' in place to develop it. The potentials are there.

Sri Lanka has to be defacto devided into two, with Tamils and Sinhalese having their own land and administrative regions, may be under a Federation. Tourism is the way out for them but that requires peace. With proper division between the two ethnic groups the country can develop into a 'playground for the world' and lease out its facilities for 'International Events' and 'Theme Parks'. How about a 'Harry Potter's Hogwarts' in Sri Lanka?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Auckland University in a Mess over Professor-Student Dispute

There is a debate raging in Auckland following the sacking of Dr Buchanan at Auckland University who had sent an insensitive and dismissive email to an Overseas student from UAE.
The debate is going on about the merits of the actions of Dr Buchanan and the University, besides the policies of admitting Overseas Students with poor English and inadequate academic background.

The full story can be read at

It appears that Dr Buchanan lost his cool, following concerns about the impending cancellation of funding for his Centre for Latin American Studies and has on-going issues with his employer Auckland Uni and his colleagues. He probably is not a good team player. No doubt academics are bound to be very individualistic and I presume Dr Buchanan was more so, being an American. If he was not in any way happy with the University's policies regarding International Students, he should have raised his concerns in other forums and fought for changing the rules/system.

Unfortunately he took it out on a poor student and picked the wrong one at that (A lady, Arab, Muslim, etc). His language and tone in the email he sent is abominable and he, of all people, should have exercised restraint. He is supposed to be a role model for his students, is he not? Dr Buchanan obviously forgot that his speciality was supposed to be 'international" and 'relations'. He has failed on both counts. May be he is not the right person for his job. And the University recognised it and did away with him when the opportunity presented itself. It is ironical that Dr Buchanan himself provided that opportunity.

George Bush does not speak good English and he does not know his Gerography either. Still he is President of USA and has wrought havoc on the world. It is no crime 'not being proficient in English'. To quote Woodrow Wilson, ' The use of a University is to make young persons as unlike their parents as possible'. So the academics there can always be a little more patient with 'language-challenged students'.

In this inter-connected world today, people are going to move to other countries for different reasons, education being the most important of them. Understanding is required to tolerate them and teach them. Being 'culturally sensitive' cuts both ways.

I am sure most of the students who come to New Zealand to study, take their responsibilities seriously. I do not believe that a girl student would lie about her father's death, just to get extension for an assignment. Cooler heads should have prevailed right from Dr Buchanan's level and this situation could have been avoided.

Now that the die has been cast, it would be interesting to see how everyone involved, including the University Authorities get out of this mess.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Mohammed Haneef's case-Principle of Law turned around

One thing is sure after the Mohammed Haneef's tragic saga in Australia. Leading Western Governments have turned around the cardinal principal of criminal law. Instead of 'Innocent until proved Guilty' it has now become 'Guilty until proved otherwise'.

What a shame that leading countries like Britain and Australia have fallen into the American trap of paranoid viewing of people of other religions, colour and culture. Like it has exported it's detrimental influence in food habits, entertainment and sex, now USA has succeeded in forcing its allies to re-write their law and practice of law. Witness the movement in UK for micro-chipping and surveillence, etc. Here also, USA is getting Britain to try out the dirty things first, because in USA because of the separation of powers and the strong Supreme Court and Congress and Civil Liberties Movement, such things cannot be introduced.

In Australia such attitudes led the police force to arrest and isolate a medical practitioner on false, trumped up charges and show no remorse. Witness the utterances of the Australian Prime Minister and Immigration and Foreign Ministers. I saw Alexander Downer, the Aussie Foreign Minister on TV telling 'Get real' meaning Haneef will gloat in his release, but Australia will not change the way it enforces USA's dictums.

It has been proven beyond doubt that the irresponsible and illegitimate way USA responded to the 9/11 atrocity has created chaos and damage to many societies and nations and has created a particular xenophobia in several Werstern societies. Instead of stengthening Democracy's benefits, Bush has given a bad name to Democracy. While saying he has invaded Iraq to promote democracy, his USA and Allies are trampling the basic tenets of Democracy, while also taking the assistance of autocratic countries like Pakistan. How is that justified?
To persist in such practices will alienate a large section of population living in those Western societies and will deepen the rift.

It is high time cooler heads prevail and steps are taken to engender and promote trust. We are living in an inter-dependent and inter-locked world. Just for example, Australia wants to export Uranium to India to participate in the expected boom in nuclear trade there after the Indo-US agreement. But Australia has treated an Indian very badly without cause and is showing no remorse.

It is simply not on.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dubai buying Auckland Airport-It is not Oil in Troulbled Waters

The best business news in Auckland now is the interest of Dubai in buying the Auckland International Airport. It would be a good opportunity for Auckland. Of course there are voices of opposition to this proposed buy, stating that a national asset should not pass onto foreign ownership. But Auckland Airport is a listed company already and it is known that the NZ company Infratil already owns and operated airports overseas. So there is nothing wrong in a commercial venture with majortiy foreign ownership.

Dubai has a reputation for building and operating a world-class airport, which they are expanding manyfold. Emirates has been a grand success in the airlines field. They have the money to invest in Auckland Airport to expand it to be a big hub for international travel from the Pacific. It would bring much required foreign investment, jobs and will be a great boost to the Auckland economy. The Dubai Emirate is in this sort of investments all over the world for the long haul. They are one of the rising stars in the world and it is no dishonour to be associated with them.

A visit to Dubai by the skeptics here will show that they mean business and it will be profitable joint venture, may be leading to more win-win deals for both countries in the future.

And while we are doing the deal, how about getting a preferred deal for import of oil as well from UAE?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter's Biggest Enemy-Internet and not Voldemart

I am just laughing at how Harry was brought down by the Net
Looks like all his secrets have been revealed much before his creator was ready.
All that effort to keep things in the Dark brought to Light by the Net
Long live the Net

Here is what I think is the right version , though it could be wrong.
I will be checking whether this is true when I get the book soon
Mind you I am not buying it, but getting it from the Library where I am on the top of the waiting list .

Quote from

Ron dies.
Lupin dies.
Percy dies (this death occurs before the wedding, inevitably throwing events into chaos).
Voldemort dies.
Snape dies.
Details aren't needed. Just say BELLATRIX KILLS RON!
Snape's loyalty? I found this to be the saddest part of the book. As many people guessed, all was not what it seemed with Dumbledore, and the two did indeed have a plan that would eventually result in Snape killing him. But, Snape was only in on things for personal gain, and when Voldemort learns of this, he is obviously furious with Snape. Snape tries to make up for things by luring Harry to him, but Harry manages to escape, and Voldemort kills Snape before the final conflict.
I don;t know what all these rumours are about Voldemort kidnapping Ron, it's a complete lie. Ron is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in The Battle of Hogwarts, but Neville manages to finish off Bellatrix after Ron weakens her before his death.
Harry Potter is not a horcrux.
As I've already stated, Voldemort kills Snape.
Voldemort is killed in the Department Of Mysteries. He baits Harry Potter about his parents, Sirius, Dumbledore and Ron. which turns out to be the worst thing Voldemort could have done. As Voldemort steps out into the circular bit with many doors, Harry Potter opens the locked door, and Voldemort is destroyed by the blinding light, which heals Harry Potter, who seems close to death (he does not die).
The cover art shows Voldemort + Harry Potter at the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter is attempting to summon Voldemort's Horcrux, as Voldemort is doing his best to keep the enchantment in place.
No-one loses a body part, no idea where that came from?
Also Harry Potter does not get drunk whoever said that.
Harry Potter does not lose his powers.
What's the deal with the dragon on the US deluxe cover?
The trio fly on it to get to the Deathly Hallows. Only Harry Potter and Voldemort can fight on the Deathly Hallows, but this is not their final encounter.
What's happening on the UK kids cover?
Gringotts. The trio are searching for the locket (it isnt there) but they get vital information on Ravenclaws book here.
How's the epilogue done?
I didn't like it. It was in the form of a newspaper article, a sort of 'Where Are They Now?' thing, 20 years on from the final showdown.
You said Ron dies so what happens to Hermy at the end?
As said, her love life isnt specified. But she becomes a Healer at St. Mungo's.
What's Luna/Hagrid/Weasley twins/Neville's fate?
Becomes editor of Quibbler (her dad passes it on to her)/Remains at Hogwarts to this day/Weasley's Wizard Wheezes becomes multinational/Herbology teacher at Hogwarts after Sprout's death (old age she isnt killed)
What happens to Voldy's body in the end?
Completely obliterated by the love from locked room.
What are the horcruxes? How does Harry Potter find and destroy them?
Nagini/Locket/Cup/Ravenclaws Book. Symbol on UK spine is a device that enables Harry Potter to locate 'soul fragments' if you will, Harry Potter can destroy them a lot more easily than Dumbledore.
What's the deal with the mirror? How does RAB and Kreacher come into the story?
Sirius has left an almost 'voicemail' message on the mirror, to advise him on destroying the horcrux. Kreacher has to tell the trio (on Harry's orders) about the history of the symbol and where to find it.
What's the lies of Dumbledore chapter about?
Neon was right about this, this is to do with the plan with Snape. I don't know if he got lucky because the Grindelwald thing isnt even close.
What happens to all the teachers? Who's new headmaster etc?
McGonagall is new headmistress.
What's Harry's fate in the end? Job etc?
Becomes an almost freelance Auror but refuses to work for the MoM

Chapter summaries

Dark Lord Ascending
another first chapter that is not Harry's point of view very dark
first death
Bellatrix and Voldemort interact

In Memoriam
back to Harry's point of view
Dumbledore's past
Rita Skeeter appears here. Apparently, Harry is not pleased.
The Dursleys Departing
The Dursley's leave Privet Drive

The Seven Potters
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are reunited

Death Eater attack
another death
very intense

Fallen Warrior
another death
one person loses a body part
scenes afterwards set in the Burrow
Apparently, Harry gets drunk!
tells what happened with Ollivander

The Ghoul in Pajamas
general plan discussion all around
Hermione is scary (lol)

The Will of Albus Dumbledore
Harry's birthday! Ron gives him a funny gift.
Minister of Magic is back
Lupin is acting off

The Wedding
Weasley relatives, Luna's father, and Krum all make ppearances
Krum argues with Luna's father over the symbol
Dumbledore's past again, which is not pleasant
Kingsley makes an appearance with some bad news.

A Place to Hide
Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave the Burrow, and run into Death Eaters
Hermione gets hit on by drunkards
They go to Grimmauld Place

Kreacher's Tale
Harry finds a letter from his mother saying disturbing things about Dumbledore
R.A.B. is Sirius's brother (everyone knew that, lol)
lots of complex stuff on Horcruxes

The Bribe
setting is Grimmauld Place
Harry has sent Kreacher on an errand
Kreacher seems to be getting friendlier
Lupin is still acting off, and states something extremely surprising (off in an easily irritated, jumpy way. We've also been told that Lupin/Tonks shippers will be over the moon, so, perhaps Tonks is pregnant?)
Trio find out who has the locket, and they are shocked.

Magic is Might
Trio plan to get the locket from the ministry
The Muggle-born Registration Commission

The Thief
Trio leave Grimmauld Place and Kreacher
Trio stays in the woods.
Harry sees through mind-link that Voldemort is not in the country, and is looking for a stolen object that has something to do with wands.

The Goblin's Revenge
Ron does something weird.

Godric's Hollow

Bathilda's Secret
Someone named Bathilda wrote the History of Magic book. IDK if this has anything to do with anything, but still, might be worth noting.

The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore

The Silver Doe
Hermione is sleeping. Harry sees a Patronus and follows it. It leads him to a thing Dumbledore has left him. He is reunited with Ron. The entire scene with the destruction of the Horcrux and display of Ron's insecurities happens.

Xenophilius Lovegood
The Tale of the Three Brothers
The Tale of Three Brothers is a wizard children's story. The story involves three objects called the Deathly Hallows. Three brothers, three objects, AKA the Deathly Hallows.
Trio goes to see Luna's dad
He tells them a wizarding fairy story about three objects
They are called the Deathly Hallow
The Deathly Hallows
Harry follows lead of DH story instead of Horcrux stuff
He becomes stupidly obsessed over it, kind of like how he was over Malfoy in HBP
Makes a huge mistake and gets the trio captured

Malfoy Manor
A couple of people have died, one important
Someone else is being kept in the manor
Someone else dies
The trio is tortured for info
Dobby helps them escape
Another someone else dies

The Wandmaker

Shell Cottage
The Final Hiding Place
The Missing Mirror
The Lost Diadem
The Sacking of Severus Snape
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Elder Wand
The Prince's Tale
The Forest Again
King's Cross
The Flaw in the Plan


Well now that I have read the book the first part of the above net version has proved to be wrong. The Chapter summaries are correct and the highlights of the first few chapters is also correct. So it seems the book really leaked on the Net.

The last 250 pages of the book are good and the story moves at a fast pace. All loose ends are tied up. It has a soap-opera ending with Harry and Ginny and their kids and Ron and Hermione and their kids. But where is Voldemart's heir?

I really think that the book Hermione is reading 'The history of Magic' might be an interesting read.

Will JKR write and publish that?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter-Guess the End Game

I believe that Hagrid and Snape both will die and Cho is also seriously affected in her head, leaving the way for Harry and Ginny Weasley to come together. Voldemart is vanquished with the miracle performed by Hermione for Harry.She of course joins Ron and they live happily everafter. Any takers to add on more or different guesses?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

40th Anniversary of 1967 Arab-Israeli War

In my view the 1967 war established Israel as the primary military force in that area of the world, because of their adroit exploitation of their military intelligence and weaponry supplied by USA. It also show-cased to USA that Israel could be their main client to absorb new weapons technology and be their proxy to protect their oil interests. It served a dual-purpose, gave Israel a foothold for expansion of their territory and gave USA a bigger foothold to expand their influence.
Unfortunately Israeli occupation also created a Palestinian Diaspora, which similar to the earlier Jewish Diaspora, stoked the sympathies of the World. Coupled with the raising money power of the Middle Eastern Oil countries, the stage was set for a long-drawn war between two displaced people, both of whom have had tragedy forced upon them. Whose claim is more legitimate, whose history should have priority? Is it not better to draw a line and say that both Jews and Palestinians have a right to live there in peace. The economic benefits to all of a life of co-operation would be awesome.
With the American influence declining and with Israel losing the goodwill of the World because of its inhuman occupation, may be it is the right time for United Nations to urgently get involved in the Region. They could recruit the backing of the rich oil countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran and call upon the leadership of European and Asian powers to work out a plan to give Palestinians a home land of their own. UN should repeat history and create Palestine as it created Israel in 1948. And guarantee its existence till it can stand on its own feet. This is not an impossible task. It just requires a more aggressive United Nations and support of emerging powers of Asia and the established powers of Europe.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Parliament has no Prayer

There is a debate currently on in New Zealand as to whether a Christian Prayer should continue to be held at the start of Parliament sessions.

I am a New Zealand citizen of Indian origin. I believe it is utterly unnecessary to change the present prayer or discontinue it from the Parliament. I understand that there is a reason for the same and the tradition need not change now. It may be a Christian prayer directed to Jesus Christ but I am sure it does not offend the later migrants to this beautiful country, whether they are Hindus, Muslims or Buddhists. The spirit behind it is that God be invoked at the start of an important day's work, and it does not matter which God it is addressed to.

As for the large number of people (stated to be about 35%) in New Zealand who are non-believers, I think most of them really don't care whether there is a prayer or not. The issue is being raised and blown up by a small number of people and is playing into the hands of Destiny's Church and similar hard-liners.

The new comers to any country have no reason to question each and every age-old tradition unless they impinge on their rights and well-being. It is enought that New Zealand is a tolerant and peaceful country; we are number 2 in the peace index, what an honour. As long as that continues and there is no prejudice on account of race, age, sex or whatever, a prayer need not be a divisive issue.

I am sure our Parliament can do with prayers of all kinds and wishes.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The President and the Prince - Down and Out

I am glad Wolfowitz has at last resigned as President of the World Bank. He had lost the trust of the World community and could not have continued as a top Banker. He has however done a service by demonstrating how the World Bank could be influenced by the Americans, who themselves bleat so much about corruption, etc while their own leaders and heroes are being proved corrupt. Wolfowitz has added one more nail to the coffin of American decline in World Affairs.
I fervently hope that the next President of World Bank is not the one nominated by USA as has been the practice till now. I hear that they are thinking of nominating Tony Blair. That would be another disaster. Blair was a dishonest politician and there is no place for him in any financial institution. This is the right time to change the practice of an American being the President of World Bank and a European becoming chief of IMF. It will be a good opportunity to look for the right person.

Prince Harry is blessedly out of Iraq. But I really can't understand how the British Military Top Brass allowed news of his proposed deployment to leak and be discussed so openly. I think a better way would have been to keep such postings secret and get it over with outside the limelight. Have Harry go in secretly and serve for 6 months or so, take a few photographs and videos and after he comes back, release the footage with a good commentary to prove to the world the he has done his duty for the motherland. Instead the Military bungled the whole affair and finally handed a Public Relations Coup to the Iraqi insurgents. What a mindless strategy, No wonder they are losing the war itself.
I am also compelled to think about Richard the Lion Hearted, the famous English King who lead his troops in the Crusades. Where is that courage and daring nowadays from the Royals? May be Democracy as practised by Tony Blair's government has robbed the Royal Family of its Majesty. What a pity.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Housing unaffordability in New Zealand

The present state of the housing market and the housing unaffordability in New Zealand is being talked about so much, I think any thing the Government will do to improve the situation will result in demand going up, pushing the prices further. That will be another short-term fiasco.

The demand pull in the housing market is due to different reasons, viz, immigration, overseas investment, New Zealand being a small economy with limited supply of houses, the unwillingness of Government to free land and rules to improve housing stock, the attractiveness of living in a peaceful country and of course the benefits of having rental properties. Inspite of high prices and higher cost of mortgages, people are compelled to buy houses, because they see that as their economic and social security. The demand pull has to be reduced by making available alternative investment opportunities. The stock market is small and shallow with very little movements to interest speculators. Tax regime is against savings and income levels are low.

The solutions could be
1. Tax incentive to save money. Tax rebates for interest and mortgage repayments.
2. More housing finance companies in the market to push down the rates
3. Asking Reserve Bank not to be too pre-occupied with inflation. Renting and interest costs are anyway too high adding to inflation.
4. Alternative investment avenues with tax concessions
5. Raising pay levels to reflect the efforts of workers and to keep up with international arena.
6. Subsidies to exporters.
7. Streamlining taxation to make more surplus available at the hands of people. With huge government surplus this is not impossible. Why should the marginal tax rate for individuals be 39% when the highest tax rate for companies is 33%. Is this not indirectly subsidising businesses when the reality should be other way around?
8. Development of other regions of the nation to reduce the pressure on Auckland area. Subsidies and tax incentives and may be migration assistance to people moving to other areas may help.
9. RBI or Governemnt intervention in foreign currency market like in USA, UK may be required to bring down the high dollor

All these will add to government costs, but a little bit of higher inflation may be the bitter drug required to bring the market to good health. Then the demand and supply position will correct itself over a period of time bringing some sense to the market.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Holiday in Europe-Few impresssions

I recently had a wonderful holiday in Europe, visiting Turkey, Greece, Paris, London, Birmingham and Dubai.

A few impressions.

Turkey is not a third world country at all, so developed it is. It is the only place where I could use my credit card to make telephone calls from the public phone machines. May buy shares of Turkish Telecom.

Greek men are very handsome and the Arab girls in Paris are the most beautiful, taking your breath away. Hope they don’t take to wearing the veil .

The best Indian food I ate was at Jimmy’s Spices in Birmingham. The buffet spread is fantastic, covering Indian, Thai, Chinese and Italian dishes. I had to restrict myself to the Indian items. Wish I can go again 3 more times to try out the others.

Paris is a beautiful city, even though I am the 100th billion person saying so. Grand palaces and museums need a life time to view. ‘Paul’ is a superb patisserie with delectable scones, rolls, etc. They have branches in London too.

Raki and Ouzo are similar drinks from Turkey and Greece respectively. It is fun to watch them turn cloudy when you add water. My daughter preferred the Turkish variety though.

The Eurostar station at Gare d’Nord in Paris was not easy to navigate, with climbing up and down required. Very tough on travelers with luggage. May be good for daily commuters with just a briefcase. The coach numbers are not on the coaches, but pained on the platform edges. Do they expect people to walk with downcast eyes?

Thanks to the Sales Manager at De Beers in the Mall of the Emirates, Duabi who allowed me to hold a 5 carat diamond ring, worth USD 125000. They had very limited items of jewellery on display, but each one very beautiful and I am sure costing the equivalent of a good sized house each in each of the major cities of the world.

Dubai has developed a lot and you need an helicopter to go from one place to another. The legendary traffic jams prove that Dubai is firmly in 21st Century. They are building a metro. Hope they cover all the Emirates and especially have a dedicated line to Abu Dhabi, taking the pressure off the road traffic.

Speaking of Metros, can’t help but appreciate the vision of London civic authorities who built their Underground ages back. It is being upgraded regularly and is a model for the developing cities everywhere.

But poor Queen of England, living in an unimaginative and architecturally challenged box of a home. No wonder the members of the Royal Family always seem depressed and are grim and unsmiling (Diana excepted of course, God rest her soul)

The Wooden horse at Troy masquerading as the Trojan Horse was smelling of fresh paint, but the view from inside the horse was very good, though I could not get a glimpse of Helen or Brad Pitt's butts.

Had a Turkish bath and Oil Massage in Kusadasi (Turkey). Very thrilling and relaxing. Do they have anything like that in Auckland?

Visited all the memorials in Gallipolli. Felt like I have done the Haj required of the New Zealander. Why is there no memorial for the more than 1200 Indian soldiers who died in the war there? It is sad to realize that the world is still creating more Gallipollis in places like Iraq, Afganisthan, etc. When will the madness stop?

Most of the Paris shops, especially on the Champs-Elysee had tall, strong Africans as security guards. Very intimidating but very gentle when you ask them something. The one at the Lacoste shop was very helpful, in fact he acted as the salesperson, helping me to select the right size etc. Thanks mate.

The National Gallery in London was superb with a special exhibiton on Impressionist paintings. Got to see an early Picasso which was not cubist. Painting of a small girl with a dove in hand and a coloured ball at her feet. Great. And they have one of the four Sunflowers by Van Gogh. The whole holiday was worth it because of these 2 paintings alone.

The Aegean Sea is really a very large swimming pool, with clear blue calm waters. I had to restrain myself with much difficulty from jumping off the bus/taxi into the water. Very inviting.

Half the Athenians are on the sidewalk during the day, enjoying a light lunch, drink etc. Made me feel very jealous. The cafes are very colourful.

The visit to Troy, Ephesus, Delphi etc rekindled the interest in Greek Mythology and I have bought a couple of books to read up on that, with good photos.

Louvre in Paris is so vast and stocked with art works of all kind. I M Pei's glass pyramid is really a bold addition in the middle of the old architecture. Bravo the French for taking a huge risk and pulling it off. I heard that Louvre will be soon opening a branch in Abu Dhabi and is getting a big funds infusion from that Emirate. Wonder what they will think of next? May be a mosque in the middle?

I applaud the French for sticking to their style of cuisine even for the tourists and not diluting it for an international uniformity. The dinner on the first level of Eiffel Tower was superb and I tasted the best ever Onion Soup (garnished with a large cheese spread and nice bread) at a nice cafe as part of the Paris by Night tour. Moulin Rouge is definitely better than Lido's.

It is very convenient that all the major attractions in Istanbul like the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Top Kapi palace are all within walking distance of each other. One strange thing though that all of these are on the European side of the city. One would expect them to be on the Asian side.

Once you visit these places you can see why it was very stupid of the British to try to conquer the Dardanelles and capture Istanbul during the WW I. It is very easily defendable and I am sure whoever tries it can be choked and defeated. The best way to conquer these places is with a digital camera not with ships and guns, which is what I did.

My daughter made me carry a package of painting and poster all over Europe and bring it to Auckland. I almost lost it at the Athens airport, leaving it in the toilet. Luckily found it again. But I did leave a packet in the toilet at Louvre and had to spend money again to buy a couple of books and prints.

The Yeoman guard at the Tower of London who took us on a small tour was very witty and tailored his jokes to suit all the nationalities in the group, though he picked more on the Yankees and that was good too. I was thrilled to see that Duke Wellington was a Yeoman Guard too, but did he really have the title of Field Marshall when he was alive?

It was good to see Aishwarya Rai and Jonah Lomu at Madam Tussaud's but where was Sachin Tendulkar and Helen Clark? It is not fair that John Howard is there and no Helen Clark to keep him company. By the way when are they going to have Abhishek there? Seems odd to see Amitabh only next to Aishwarya Rai. Or is it their way of telling the world that the union of money is more important?

The visit to Sherlock Holme's house at Baker Street and the exhibition there made me think for a moment that may be Sherlock Holmes was really alive once, though I knew otherwise. Anyway checked with George who drove me from London to Birmingham to confirm that Holmes was a fictional character. George was a great company on that drive, giving me his insights into what is happening in UK and Ireland. He was an ex-fire fighter and told me one of his daughters is considering a move to Australia. Best wishes then George.

London is not an environmentally friendly city, apart from Tony Blair flying around increasing the carbon emissions. The tabloids give out millions of papers free everyday to commuters in the morning and evening, which are read and thrown away in a few minutes. Imagine how many trees are being slaughtered daily for feeding this habit. Why not issue a Tablet PC to regular commuters (who purchase season tickets) and beam the news directly on to the computers which the commuters can read. Of course advertisers could have their own channel too. I wish Bill Gates can read this and get Microsoft to do something about it.

Many airports provide free trolleys but some charge and you have to pay coins in a slot to get a trolley released. Very inconvenient if you have arrived just then and don't have the local coin. Why not add some small amount to your fare when you purchase the ticket and get the trolleys free at all airports. Can call it the Trolley Tax. Will Emirates or Singapore Airlines start this?

Will add more soon.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cricket World Cup 2007-Finally Over.

Inspite of the funny ending, there were some great moments in the final match.

1. Gilchrist's 2 sixers straight down the line
2. Sangakkara's brilliant sportsmanship in singalling that the catch was not completed and the wicket had not fallen
3. Glenn McGrath being hit for sixes and fours
4. The brilliant four by Silva off a full toss, swept down the fine leg area
5. Clarke bowling out Jayasuriya
6. Jayasuria's strong hits contrasted by Sangakkara's graceful stroke play when he got going finally
7. Seeing Mathew Hayden really trying to find his form in the crucial match and conceding the ground to Adam Gilchrist
8. The ICC lost another great PR opportunity when they had Sir Gary Sobers standing mute in the presentation stage, without inviting him to say a word or give away a medal or trophy.

Well the Cup chase is over and it is poetic that the people who won the chase were having it themselves all the time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wolfowitz-Wolf in sheep's skin

The Wolrd Bank President should resign immediately, undoubtedly. The one cardinal principle of banking professionals is that they should always maintain their trust-worthiness and credibility in the eyes of their customers and employers. Wolfwowitz has plainly failed on both counts, notwithstanding he was the ultimate boss of the World Bank. His real bossses are his customers and they have lost their trust and confidence in him. What he did is inexcusable and unpardonable. He should go and go quickly without hanging on to save his reputation and US's interest and influence in the World Bank.

There is nothing to save anymore. Let an honest bankder come into the role and restore the world's faith and trust in the World Bank. It is also high time to question the tradition of the US handpicking the World Bank head and European's having a say in who heads IMF.
There are other worthy candidates from other countries too. One such example is the Nobel laureate Mohammed Younus for Micro Banking fame.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Iran releases British Captives/PR coup by Iranian President

Kudos to Iranian President Ahmedinijad for a wonderful Diplomatic and Public Relations Coup.

He has released the British captives at the right time. I particularly enjoyed his remark that it is a gift to UK for GoodFriday/Easter and Prophet Mohammed's birthday. Contrast this to the hanging of Saddam on Eid day by the American puppets in Iraq. What a way to show the West.

I am happy that this issue is reolved peacefully. I also hope that the leaders involved in the Middle East take a more pragmatic approach henceforth and not be rhetorical in their speech, which does not serve any useful purpose at all.

Well done Iran.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Iran centre stage again with British Captives

I think Iran is over-doing this, parading the captives and getting them to write letters repeatedly with overt political messages. Does not seem to be genuine pleas by the captives.

Also the recent attacks on UK embassy by the mob is not a good omen. It has the overtones of the earlier American Hostage drama of 1979.
Iran should handle this very carefully. Without going into whether the captives were in Iranian waters or not, it has to be said that 'now that they are held by Iran they should be treated well'.

They should not be used as publicity material and should not be displayed at all, except for assuring the world that they are safe.

And it is Iran's responsibility to find a quick solution and come to a stage so they can release the captives unharmed. They have to trsut the sailors' story that they might have strayed into the Iranian waters accidentally. The point has been made for Iran that they would deal with trespassers. There is the risk of Iran losing the good will of the world and playing into Bush's hands and being painted as the Evil Axis.

Now is the time to be magnanimous and release the captives and get goodwill of the world community. The sailors were no big threat to Iran, so let them go.

The message has been sent to UK and other big powers. Period.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just punishment for the Indian Cricket Team

They have hit us in the heart and made us all weep for their failure. Let us hit them in their pockets where they have stashed their gain from the advertisements and endorsements.

Each player in the team should be asked to give back atlease 50% of his income from other sources since the last world cup. The funds collected should be used to start a Cricket Academy which can spot and train new players.

And yes, the players in the current team should also be asked to do community-service by giving free coaching and training at the Academy till the next world cup.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How to bring about an end to the War in Iraq

I think Bush and Cheney should be impeached ASAP for starting this illegal war on false grounds and misleading representations and continuing to cause irrepairable damage to another nation. They can also be charged with inciting genocide. The American Public better act fast to put a stop to this carnage.

The Democrats have enough majority in the Capitol to bring about an end to Bush's presidency. Then whoever becomes the new President can apologise for USA's role and appeal to United Nations to bring together a peace-keeping army to Iraq, which can be supported by all of Iraq's neighbours. That will be the real "Coalition of the Willing"

With Iran and Saudi Arabia backing such a force, the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq will see the advantage of stopping the sectarian strife. The USA, of course should pay massively for the re-construction of Iraq. The Oil production can be increased and the Iraqi citizens can benefit from the present high prices of Oil, which is their national resource.

Any takers?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Waiting for Surgery in New Zealand

In New Zealand, waiting for surgery has become a hot topic of debate and there are stories of people on the waiting list for years together and also of being bumped off the list altogether.
Private health insurance is a costly option and not everyone can afford or have it.
The health system is struggling to meet the demand for surgeries.

However I am really puzzled as to why these surgeries are called "elective surgeries". No one elects to have a surgery unless it is plastic surgery to improve ones features. All other surgeries are forced upon people because of their medical/sick conditions and they all should get treatment immediately. Otherwise what is the health system there for? It appears that they are practising some sort of "selective surgery", making people wait till they cant bear the pain of their ailment or till they become life-threatening. Not a healthy state of affairs.

I understand it is all because of lack of enough medical practitioners, surgeons, nurses, hospital facilities, etc. But the long-term solution for that would be to promote medical education more widely and if necessary to start few more Universities devoted to medicine and nursing education. I am sure the private sector and even overseas educational institutions would welcome such an investment opportunity. Which incidentally may also divert funds from the residential housing sector, which the Reserve Bank is trying to cool down.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Names- Meanings

As promised in the earlier blog, here are the meanings of the Names I like

Medhini (G)- Earth
Medhavee (U)- Omni-scient, One who has all knowledge and wisdom
Manini-Name for Mahalakshmi, One who is worship-worthy

Abhu – One who creates himself , also Unborn (so undying)
Vibhu- Ever living

Sahasrajit- One who overcame thousands of enemies
Anantajit- One who personifies Victory, Unbeatable
Shatrujit – Victorious against all enemies

Abhay- Protector
Nirbhay – Fearless

Dhanvee (U)- The best archer, unbeatably skilled with the bows and arrow
Dharmee – Source/Holder of all Dharmas (good conduct, habits, practices)
Vaakmee- Source of the Word and Speech
Swasthee – Personification of Peace and Prosperity
Vathsee- Father of all beings
Lakshmi -Wealth
Padmee -Lotus
Brahmee- One who is worshipped by Brahma, Brahma’s Lord
Amanee – One who is not pompous or self-gloating

Jitamanyu - Angerless
Jithaamithra – Victorious against internal (provoked by the senses and mind) and external

Virochan – Shining like Sun and Moon
Ravilochan – One who has Sun and Moon for his eyes

Adhbuth- Wonderful (which can’t be easily experienced)
Athruth – One who does not require any support or help, Supremely self-suffiecient

Ghathakraja – Worshipful who can be pleased by chanting of mantras
Gharudhathwaja- One who has Garuda on his flag (Garuda the Eagle carries Lord Vishnu)

Vachaspathi – One who knows all Vedas and Epics
Udharanee – The perfect example
Udharathee – Beneficient, Giver, Philanthrophist

Sumedha- Supremely Wise
Sathyamedha- Wise and Truthful

Vasuretha – Golden and One who is Gold himself
Viswaretha- One who created the Universe
Vasupradha – Wealthy also One who takes away all sins

Kesava- One who has the beautiful, black and curly hair
Kesiha - One who killed Kesi, the demon sent to destroy him

Sridharan- One who has Lakshmi (Wealth and Happiness)
Srikaran – One who does good, One who offers bounties

Srinidhi- Wealth of Lakshmi
Mahanidhi- All/supremely Wealthy

Adhathaa – Invincible
Vidhatha-One who gets things done and gives rewards for the deeds also One who carries the Universe
Avignyatha – One who knows everything but also one who does not want to know the deficiencies of his adherents

Sathayavan – Personification of Truth
Lakshmivan- One who holds Lakshmi in his heart (Lakshmi is Vishnu’s wife and consort)Aathmavan- Source of life in all living things

Ekaathma – One who lives in all beings
Ameyathma- One who has uncountable forms/avatars
Khabeeraathma – Unknowable, Supreme
Samaathma- One who is supremely impartial
Viswaathma- Life of the Universe and all beings

Visudhaathma – Blemishless
Vidheyaathma – Ever available for His adherents
Vijidhaathma – One who has mastered all senses and enemies

Padmanabha- One who has Lotus on his navel, which is the seat of Brahma the creator
Ratnanabha – One who has diamond like navel(for twin boys)

Mahaan- Role Model in Conduct and Character
Srimaan – One who has Lakshmi and all the wealth she represents

Vasudevan (Hidden, Unknown, Unreachable or Unknowable)-
Sankarshnan ( One who takes in the whole Universe on its last day)-
Anirudhhan(One who cannot be stopped)-
Prdyumnan (Owner of uncountable wealth and prosperity)
Vishwaksenan- Lord Vishnu’s Commander-in-Chief, also Lord Vishnu himself

Veerabhahu – One with the strongest arms
Vithbhanu- One who knows everything, Supremely intelligent and knowledgeable

Sushenan – One who has the most beautiful and powerful army
Sugoshan- One who creates the holy sound (This was also the Conch carried by Lord Krishna during the Mahabaratha battle)

Srashtaa – Creator of the Universe and all things and beings
Shreshtaa- The Best ever, nobody can exceed him or her in anything

Vishnu- Omni-present
Sahishnu- Tolerant, One who controls his senses

I think I will keep adding to this list

Pirate of the Caribbean-Cricket World Cup predictions

This is the year of Cricket and the Greats and Minnows are soon going to bat it out in the sunny Caribbean. Who will be the successful Pirate of the Caribbean?

I am thinking that this time around it would be a bowlers' cup and the teams with the strongest and consistent bowling attack would have the best chance. Based on that my money is on either South Africa or Sri Lanka. Both have good bowling attacks and their batsmen can always give good totals for the bowlers to defend.
Australia is not yet in the game because it does not have good bowlers with Lee not playing and others not yet upto the mark. But that may change as the competition progresses. They are a fighting team and fantastic pack-hunters so can't really write them off.
New Zealand is showing some promise with a revived batting line-up, but their bowlers including Vettori are sliding.
England is an enigma. Do they have a good team play? They should be okay for a couple of good matches, but I dont see them going into the finals.
West Indies could give a run for the money but I am not sure they have the staying power, what with their mercurial attitude to the game.
Pakistan could throw a spanner in the works/plans of the major teams and they are the ones who can beat South Africa and spoil their chances.
India would be a dark horse, provided they hit the stride well and early.
It would be great if one of the minnows make it to the semi-finals to give a shock to the established teams.
But one thing is certain, it would be great fun to watch and follow the cup.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Names I like

I like the following names, most of which are from the list of 1000 names by which Lord Vishnu is worshipped in a Sanskrit Poem from the Great Hindu Epic Mahabharatha. I wish I have my own children to give some of these names to, but I am listing them here, so those who like them can use them. Some of them are girl's names indicated as such and some are uni-sex names.

Medhini (G)
Medhavee (U)
Abhay-Nirbhay (Names for twin boys)
Dhanvee (U)
Lakshmi and Padmee (for twin girls)
Adhbuth-Athruth (names for twin boys)
Sumedha-Sathyamedha (for twin girls or boys)
Kesava-Kesiha (for twin boys)
Sridharan-Srikaran (for twin boys)
Srinidhi-Mahanidhi (for twin girls)
Padmanabha-Ratnanabha (for twin boys)
Mahaan-Srimaan (for twin boys)
Vasudevan-Sankarshnan-Anirudhhan-Prdyumnan (Krishna and his 3 brothers)

Look out for the meanings of above names in future blogs

Monday, March 05, 2007

A Good Start to Peace between the Arab Sects

I am very heartened by the meeting between King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and President Ahmedinejad when both of them declared their intention to work to stop the sectarian strife in Iraq.
This is the most important and positive development that has happened in the Middle East. This meeting is very historical and I am glad they did not need the intervention of any outside force or institution to have organised this meeting and joint statement.
I have been maintaining that the Arabs themselves are the best people to solve their problems and utilise their valuable resource of Oil for the benefits of their population.
Sunnis and Shiites are brethren following the same religion and Allah and Prophet Mohammed and they should not be fighting among themselves.
I hope this meeting will lead to further talks between the leaders of both sects, may be under the auspices of GCC or OIC and a way to completely stop the fighting in Iraq and other places will be worked out. I fervently wish that US or other Western countries do not interrupt this process or throw a spanner in the works. Their interests are different and do not have the prosperity of Arabs as their first priority.
The Arabs should move with utmost speed on this positive start and wrap up an action plan to bring the fighting in Iraq to an end and start on the path or reconstruction. The oil money can play an important role in this and the leaders like the Saudi King and Iranian President should administer the process with the blessings and co-operation of all Arab countries.Insha Allah, Peace will come to the region soon.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Wrong justification for immoral acts

The lawyer who represented the Asst PC who was acquitted in the sex abuse scandal twice in 2 years has said that it is not a crime for the APC to have engaged in group sex as according to him more than half of New Zealanders engage in group sex.
The point is not whether half the NZ population have had group sex, the point is if half or a majority of population does something, does it make it acceptable or pleasant or legal.
How about smoking or drinking then? If it is acceptable because only a large percentage of population is doing it, then our laws should be re-written and continuously updated to reflect that percentage. Is that what the esteemed lawyer wants? How absurd to justify something on the basis of number of people doing it?
There are two courts, legal and public opinion. The lawyer should remember that public opinion can result in modification of law in a democracy. So what is okay or escapable today may not be so tomorrow. And then the same lawyer will have to live and practise the revised law.
Also, the standard of behaviour expected of a public servant is higher and it is clear that the accused had not lived up to that and have brought disrepute to the institution of Police. They have to pay the price for their behaviour.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Should there be a legal time limit to report and invetigate sex crimes ?

There is a debate about imposing a statute of limitation on allegations, investigation and prosecution of sex crimes.

A sex crime is the most violent form of invasion of privacy and is worse than murder because the victim is left to live with the consequences.

However in their own interests, the victims would benefit by reporting the crime as soon as they are able to do so, so evidence can be collected and prosecution can be started early to resolve the case soonest.

Having a time limitation for reporting and investigating such claims, may on the face of it appear unjust to the victims. But mandating such a limitaion clause is not a bad idea, because this would also compel victims to report such cases soon. Furthermore, this would give a chance to the accused to be either cleared or convicted of the charges (under due process of law) and would let them get on with their lives, one way or other. If they are guilty, then society would benefit by their early prosecution and conviction and sentencing. If not, they won't have to be surprised much later in their lives by such accusations, which may affect them and their families differently at a different stage in their lives.

So yes, having a very reasonable limitation period for reporting, investigating and prosecuting such sex crimes would benefit the society and the Courts.

Cops found Not Guilty-Was Justice done in Full ?

Three NZ cops including an Assistant Commissioner of Police have been found not guilty yesterday by a panel of Jury in the case where they were accused of indecenlty assulting and sexually violating a young girl several years ago. They were acquitted of a similar case in 2005 also.

I am a little puzzled by the law in the above cases.

When there is no evidence other than the 'She said, He said-He did, She did' evidence of the Plaintiff and the Defendants, the case has to be decided only on the credibility of the parties involved. In that case, should not the earlier history and conviction of any party be put before the juries to make up their minds as to who is likely to have lied and who is likely to have told the truth. What is the prosecution's responsibility in such cases? Should they not have insisted and got the permission to reveal the history of the defendants before taking on the case?

It appears that though justice was done, it does not seem to have been done in full. Am I the only person feeling that some good opportunities have been lost to uphold the integrity of the Justice system in this great country?

The web-link for this is

How nice if it is possible for women to have a camera implanted on them so such incidents can be recorded as they happen so they can get justice if they so need it ?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nostalgia Rules at the Oscars

The Queen (Best Actress) and the lost King (Best Actor) taking out the top Oscars.
Departed and Dreamgirls, two period films about gangsters and motown taking a few Oscars.
Martin Scorcese and Ennio Marconi getting their just rewards finally.
And Sherry Lansing being honoured for life-time achievement.

Who said Nostalgia is not what it used to be.
It is alive and kicking in Hollywood, as witnessed by the top awards at this year's Oscars

It feels very good to see the Academy going back to more entertaining and peaceful times.
The movies that have been recognised are all wholesome entertainment.

Well done Oscars. Thanks heaps for a well-conducted ceremony and the parade of beauties who too looked Royal in their own way.

It is fitting that in these troubled times you have gone back in time and brought back Nostalgia to reign at tinseltown.

Only one question: Who will play George Bush in 15/20 year's time to win an Oscar ?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Can the Black Caps win the Cricket World Cup ?

Why not?

They have received a tremendous boost from the victory in the Chappell-Hadlee trophy. The run chase was great and the team showed that they can beat the best on their day.
However, they need to look at some changes in the way they play.

First Fleming should not open the innings. It is apparent that he has lost the ability to read the new ball well. He may be better off batting 3 or 4 down when the ball has lost its shine. He is still a great batsman but needs to adjust his game.

Ross Taylor and Lou Vincent should be developed as the opening pair. Both of them play courageously and are not afraid of the new ball. They have good techniques and with better training they can shine in the opening role.

Also Vettori needs a good support with a permanent second spinner. Jeetan Patel should not be dropped from any match. He should be given the time to get into stride and study the various batsmen of the other teams. What better way than to play in all matches and keep bowling, which is probably how Vettori became a great bowler himself. And Patel is an asset on the field as well.

McCullum has cemented his place lower down in the order and should be playing like Michael Bevan did, steadying the innings when necessary and accelerating at the right time.

The team should also have a few team building exercises so they become comfortable with each other.

And most important, they should enjoy their cricket and there should be more fun visible on the field.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Chappell-Hadlee Trophy-Absence of Ponting and Gilly

Ricky Ponting and Adam Gilchrist are not going to be in the Australian Team coming over to New Zealand for the above 3 matches.

I think it is a golden opportunity for NZ to call the Aussies bluff and beat them at cricket. The matches are very important and if NZ can win, it will definitely boost the Black Caps' confidence. They are not doing very bad, but they don't seem to be enjoying their cricket.

It appears that Stephen Fleming has lost his heart in leading and his demeanor on the field shows he is under pressure of playing. It is high time the Kiwis play for the fun and enjoyment of the game. The team is not coming together and Fleming may have a lot to do with that. May be the age gap is too much for him to effectively communicate and mingle with the team.

It may be a good idea to develop Vettori as captain and give him the chance to bring the team together. Also for the coming matches, the coach should announce the team and stick with it and drop his rotation policy. Let the team of 11 or 12 know that they are there for the long haul and individual match performance won't affect their position, in the normal course. Then get the team together for some intense training and team building exercises.

May be they can take the assistance of a corporate consultant for this.

And if Fleming does stay as captain, get him to loosen up and be cheerful.The Aussie team is a good example of a group of good players having fun together on the field and in Lou Vincent's words, the Black Caps can do with some pack hunting themselves.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tony Blair- Dishonest and Insincere

I view Tony Blair as a very smooth politician,very insincere and interested in only the image he projects. He has undermined the political landscape in UK and the World by blindly supporting USA. Even that I suspect is to buttress his personal image and to align himself with a more powerful nation. I think he wants to be like George Bush, with all th e trappings of power that comes with it.

He is very glib and gets out of tough questions by asking a question in return, without honestly answering the question posed to him.

I dislike his repeated statements 'let us not focus on what has happened in the past, what mistakes we have made, but let us focus on the present and what we have to do to retrieve the situation, etc'. This has been his standard answer in many forums to questions about his worngful support of Iraq invasion, etc. He should try a more honest tack, admitting the reponsibility and doing something concrete to rectify them and give redressal to the affected people.

I believe he is long on talk and very very short on action.

But with his boyish looks and smooth-talking manner, he has been able to fool the people of UK and some sections of the world population.

I only hope he is consigned to the oblivion he deserves, without being resurrected as a senior statesman or a diplomot or some such thing.

To prove my point Tony Blair is continuing his dishonest and unreliable streak with the latest announcement to withdraw British troops from Iraq. He has once again confirmed by this action that he is motivated to act only to preserve/boost his image and ratings and has absolutely no principle or policy or ideals. He took Britain to an illegal and immoral war, to follow in the footsteps of George Bush, expecting they would win easily and he can bask in the glory of being a top man on the Winning Team. But when that has turned sour, he is now ready to ditch his grand ally across the Atlantic, with the sole aim of restoring his crumbling reputation. He has now shown that he has no guts to stick it out till the end. It is better if he resigns immediately without further damaging the name of Great Britain.

Good luck to Gordon Brown, who inherits a shamble and has to work doubly hard to rebuild a new British image in the international arena.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Michael Cullen doing a Allan Bollard

Michael Cullen the Deputy PM of New Zealand holding the Finance Portfolio has suggested that a levy on the mortgage interest rate is an option before the Government to cool the housing market and bring down the value of NZ dollor, all with the idea to help exporters and driving away foreign investors who are dumping their funds into New Zealand, attracted by the high interest rates.

Looks like Cullen is attempting to do what Bollard tried and failed, that is talking up a scare and hoping this will have the desired effect of cooling the housing market. He should know better. If this is a threat, does Labour have the political will or majority or support to deliver on the threat? They don't. He is going to cut a sorry figure as did Trevor Mallard in the waterfront stadium fiasco.

The stock market here lacks depth. The movement in prices are limited to a few cents. There are lack of good investment opportunities and what good pickings are there, they are tending to be bought up by Aussies. Unless the country's stock market really delivers by giving a good return like the emerging markets of India, Brazil, Russia (which seems unlikely in the near future), there seems to be no good alternative investment prospects.

The government should encourage individual savings in designated instruments by giving tax breaks and let the fund gatherers mop-up the money and invest wisely to give an equal return as the housing market. They may have to invest all over the world. The success of Cullen Fund which is managing the superannuation/government surplus funds is a good example.

Also the surplus of the government can be used to subsidise house-buying by first-home buyers, who may be given an interest-principal holiday at the government's cost. Though it will initially raise the demand for house prices, once the scheme is stabilised, people may be confident of utilising the scheme when required and this may flatten the housing boom-bust cycle gradually.

Another good investment opportunity is to privatise University Education and allow opening of more Universities for special programmes like medicine, nursing, software development, etc. Many countries have used this route to make Education a good investment opportunity and at the same time increase the level of expertise in chosen fields. We require more doctors and nurses, etc and it would be a good idea to get more of them qualified and trained here itself to work in the health sector here at good pay scales.

Such schemes may divert surplus funds away from the housing sector and will benefit the country in other ways. It is really not a good idea to scare away foreign funds. Instead they should be channelised into infrastructure and development oriented projects so the long term benefits would be more and will help in growth of the New Zealand economy consisitently. This is an art that our politicians and money-managers should learn and practice better.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ajay saved me today

Today I had an accident at Raglan when I almost drowned. We had gone to Raglan with a friend Ravi and his family, wife Geetha and sons Ajay and Arun, 13 and 9 years old.

After reaching there , we took a couple of kayaks. Ajay was in one and I was in the other. That was my first Kayaking expedtion, though I have rowed boats and can pretty much manage it well. The Kayak lady, Candide, explained how to use the paddle and advised how to react should we tip over. She emphasised that the kayak or we would not drown and it was quite easy to upright the Kayak and climb in. She warned though that for young boys it is easy to climb in and adults have to actually contort their bodies the right way to get in again. She said 'don't panic, you will be alright and won't drown as you will have the life-jacket on'

We got into our respective Kayaks and rowed under a couple of bridges enjoying the scenery. After about 30 minutes, I started feeling uncomfortable with a pain developing in upper torso and feeling very tight around the stomach and chest. My legs went sort of wobbly, started feeling pain around the knees and upper thigh. I knew something was wrong and told Ajay that I was not feeling okay.

We started to row back. I still felt unwell and wanted to lie down on my back but could not. I felt that if I loosten the belt I might feel okay. But I forgot Candide's remark that there was no belt and they deliberately do not strap people in. While extending my hand sideways to search for the imaginary clasp on the imaginary belt, what do you think happened?

I tipped over into the water, upturning the Kayak. The water was deep , but we were not very far from the bridge. But I panicked and went down into the water, with the life-jacket weighing me down a bit and took in a bit of water. One hand holding the kayak, I could sense my spectacles fall into the water and instantly became blind, as my the prescription glasses are high-power and I can't see very well without them. My panic went up several notches, I shouted to Ajay. He immediately jumped into the water and came to help me. Though I know swimming and could have left the kayak and swam to the shore, I lost my presence of mind. I did not know how well Ajay could swim and I got scared that I was putting him in danger. I still did not release the Kayak, may be thinking I was responsible for returning it to Candide.
Ajay came near me and we both pushed the kayak upright, he climbed in, but I could not. It was too much for him to pull me in.

Meanwhile I went into the water a couple of times, stupid of me and felt I was having a heart attack. I requeseted Ajay to shout for help and both of us started shouting. We had slowly moved towards the bridge and could see cars driving on it. We shouted some more, all the time pulling towards the shore, thanks to Ajay who kept his cool and almost dragged the Kayak towards the bridge, with me clinging on and beating my legs in some kind of swimming motion. I still can't figure why I could not think of letting go of the Kayak which would have enabled me to swim. May be my chest pain was increasing and clouded my thoughts.

A couple of cars stopped and people started coming down the banks. We had by this time reached the rocks under the bridge leg near the shore, and Ajay pulled me up part way. But then I collapsed as my lower body and legs refused to co-operate and I was out of breath, with salt water irritating my throat. I just leaned on the rocks and let the people who came down carry me up the bank to the grass edge.

Somebody had already phoned for Ambulance which showed up shortly.

Roynie the para-medic (I think I am right) slowly walked me to the ambulance and checked my pulse, heart-beat and breath and declared I was gradually returning to normal. After checking my story and my condition, she suggested that though I was not in any immediate danger, I should consult a doctor and offered to take me in the Ambulance to Waikato Hospital.

Meantime we had telephoned my wife who brought the car over. Initially I did not tell her the full story on the phone, but after reaching the scene, she took in my condition.
We debated for sometime and then decided not to go to the hospital straight-away, but take rest at Raglan and recover, which is what we did.

I wish to thank Mark from Auckland and the passengers of other 2 cars ( I could not get their names, but one of them is a Maori couple) and also the gentleman who rowed the kayaks from the middle of the backwater on to the grass.

Ajay played a major role in rescuing me. He kept his cool, did not panic, remembered the instructions of Candide and guided me correctly to the shore. It must have been physically a tough task for him, but he did it somehow.

We are grateful to Ajay and Mark, Roynie and others who were there today to bring me back.
And a big sorry to Candide for messing up her peace of mind for a long time today.

Thanks heaps guys and I wish you all the best forever.