Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Wolfowitz-Wolf in sheep's skin

The Wolrd Bank President should resign immediately, undoubtedly. The one cardinal principle of banking professionals is that they should always maintain their trust-worthiness and credibility in the eyes of their customers and employers. Wolfwowitz has plainly failed on both counts, notwithstanding he was the ultimate boss of the World Bank. His real bossses are his customers and they have lost their trust and confidence in him. What he did is inexcusable and unpardonable. He should go and go quickly without hanging on to save his reputation and US's interest and influence in the World Bank.

There is nothing to save anymore. Let an honest bankder come into the role and restore the world's faith and trust in the World Bank. It is also high time to question the tradition of the US handpicking the World Bank head and European's having a say in who heads IMF.
There are other worthy candidates from other countries too. One such example is the Nobel laureate Mohammed Younus for Micro Banking fame.

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