Saturday, October 20, 2007

Newsmakers-Dr Watson, Al Gore and Benazir Bhutto

Dr Watson's theory of White Supremacy

Dr Watson has just disproved his own theory. His statements have demonstrated that the White man is not so intelligent or clever, after all that genetic advantage .They have a knack for putting their foot in their mouth. Does not make them superior , does it? Thanks Dr Watson, what a way to prove the White Man's supremacy in things brainy.
Keep doing this, you might bring about racial equality soon.

Al Gore's Nobel- Was it a noble deed by the Committee ?

It looks like the Nobel committee was swayed by the crying and scare-mongering of Al Gore. Is that the only criteria for getting the prize. Shout about an important issue? Where is the action?
Based on this criteria, the next Peace Prize should be given to the person who shouts most advocating non-violence and vegetarianism. That at least would be aimed at saving countless lives, both human and animal.

Benazir Bhutto's bloody return to Pakistan

I wonder what legitimacy Benazir has to contest in an election with a conviction for corruption in her past. Why did the British and Americans work out this deal with President Musharaff ? Is Pakistan's fate being decided overseas and has it's government been outsourced ? Seems like the USA and UK are makiing sure of their continued influence over Pakistan and ensuring the use of its land and space for their alleged War on Terrrorism. And Benazir has conveniently positioned herself to gain from this imperative to stage-manage her return and white-washing of her convciton. Money laundering is a crime for Americans, but political laundering is welcome, especially when it helps American interests. Once again the ordinary Pakistani citizen has to pay the price.

And there is a slight suspicion in my mind that the bomb blasts were also the handi-work of outside interests (CIA dirty tricks may be or MI6 manipulation perhaps) to create instant sympathy for Benazir and to ensure her future election prospects. I fervently hope I am wrong, but will have to wait for the dust to clear on this one.

There will be many shadow-plays between Bhutto and Musharaff. The day is not far off when Musharaff strikes a deal with Bhutto (and her American Masters) to get out of Pakistan with all the loot he has amassed over the past several years. Then Bhutto will be allowed to become the leader of the country with the full support of Americans. How much she will amass is left to anybody's imagination. How much of the American money being sent to Pakistan goes back to the Principals in America is the real question. The American citizens and Pakistani citizens are being ripped off massively.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Except for a brief periods Pakistan was always under military dictatorship.Pak People and their elected representatives lacked farsightedness and vision and there was not a single statesman who can take the nation along and it suffers the fate of events.

I am reminded of the famous saying " a person who sacrifices liberty for temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety"
