Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Obama to Afghanistan- We have no money to save you.

Just now listened to Obama's speech outlining the strategy for the war in Afghanistan.

Obama has told Afghanistan in no uncertain terms that the US is not capable of funding a long struggle there to restore stability in that country.

Obama has outlined his most important goal to be to get out of Afghanistan within the next 18/24 months and the surge he is authorising by sending additional troops is with the sole aim of getting the Afghans to take over the war soon, so the US troops can get out. Winning the war in Afghanistan is not a primary goal anymore.

There was no mention of eradicating Al Qaeda or capturing Osama bin Laden or putting an end to the insurgency. At the end of 18/24 months it is very much possible that the Al Qaeda and the insurgency may still be troubling the Government/people of Afghanistan, but then it is their own problem. America would be out by then.

It is implied that the surge in troops is to get the conditions ready for retreat.
The goal therefore is not defeat of the enemy but a honourable retreat of American forces.
And to effect that successfully, America will be involved in micro-managing Afghanistan for the next few months, by supervising the Afghan Government.

And the main reason for this is that the US has no money or resources to prolong the efforts to eradicate Al Qaeda/insurgency.

America has been affected greatly by the Global Financial Crisis brought on by the Wall Street Wizards and it has to focus on rebuilding its own economy.

Sorry, they have no money to spend on Afghanistan. They have lost all their money in playing the market.

May be Pakistan, which will still be receiving some of America's aid money, will come to the aid of Afghanistan by closing its border/safe haven for the insurgents/Al Qaeda. But that prospect is up in the air, given the past misuse of American funds by the Pakistan Government and Army.

So watch out Afghanistan. The insurgents have to hang on for just another 2 years at the most.
You will be soon on your own with your own corrupt government and inefficient forces to take on the insurgents.

Best of Luck.

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