President Obama recently hosted Manmohan Singh, PM of India to a gala dinner with much fanfare (and some uninvited guests as well), but there was no meat on the burger.
No agreements were signed and the much-touted nuclear deal has not progressed either.
Contrast this to the recent visit of Manmohan Singh to Russia.
A very low-key affair with much meat delivered.
Several agreements signed, the most important being the agreement by which Russia will support India in its nuclear developments, no questions asked.
And there was the deal to continue arms supply with fighter jets, etc on the table.
Russia has once again proved that it is a better, long-term friend of India.
Obama and his team are paying lip-service to friendship with India, but their hearts and purse are with Pakistan.
Russia did not say that China has a role in resolving the Kashmir dispute, unlike the US.
Seems like US has a long way to go to believe in India or taking some real action to improve the relationship.
While Obama delivered a dinner, it was Russia which added spice to the meal.
I am sure the Indians lapped it up.