Saturday, February 07, 2009

Ignore Slumdog, Ignore not Srilanka

Yesterday I saw Slumdog Millionaire and felt it to be a big ‘bakhwas’ i.e. nonsense. I am not concerned about the poverty and crime portrayed in the movie, because such things exist all over the world in different forms and styles. However the movie did not have any worthwhile acting or storyline or emotive scenes. The actor who portrayed the lead character had the most wooden face I have ever seen on the screen and his delivery of line more like mumbling. Anil Kapoor acted awfully. The main premise of the story that a successful contestant will be immediately thrown to the Police to be beaten and interrogated was so unrealistic. May be the producers wanted to take a dig at Gitmo. I think the movie is appealing to Western critics because India and particularly Mumabi is the flavour now. It would be a big tragedy and travesty if this movie gets any Oscars for any thing. I can’t picture this movie in the Oscar league with films like Gone with the Wind, Gandhi, Godfather, One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, etc.I hope people realise that this is one more botched Bollywood style movie, made by Britishers and leave it to its own fate in the box office. No need to glorify it with any award.

Sri Lanka becoming an hotspot

It is very concerning to see once again the innocents caught in the cross-fire between the government and the rebels in Sri Lanka. But it has to be admitted that by following a path of military confrontation, the Tigers invited this result eventually. The government would one day win because the rebels could not perpetuate their fund-raising and arms-buying forever, especially when the economic conditions are not good and when the world is getting tired of wars in several corners. The United Nations had effectively withdrawn from peace-making long back and with India pre-occupied with Pakistan and Kashmir, the Sri Lankan rebels did not have much hope of keeping their enclave for long. (The UN has become a Police, investigating Benazir Bhutto's assassination. May be they should also investigate the Mumbai Massacre).

The Sri Lankan government should now make a good offer of peace and protect the Tamil citizens to establish its credibility. However the way things are going on the ground, I am afraid the Sri Lankan Government would keep the Tamils in camps/enclaves for a porlonged time which would not give them any hope of participating/leading better lives in future. I fervently hope that these camps do not turn into sources of deep discontent among the Tamils and lead them to a desperate sitiuaton and start thinking of getting out of Sri Lanka. Then they would flood into India which would be their natural first port of call.

My fear is things could get out of control if the Government does not implement an immediate plan to assimilate the Tamils into the national fabric and reassure the Tamils that Sri Lanka is their country too and they have a future there. Otherwise it could easily escalate into an international incident involving India and several other countries.

May be it is time for the government to offer an amnesty programme so the remaining rebels also could embrace peace.

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