Sunday, October 29, 2006

Change of tactics- I am not George Bush to stay the course

When I started this blog, I thought it would be picked up my friends in different countries (as many of them are avid net surgers) and they would either respond to it online or email me. This has not happened. So I think a change of tactics is necessary. I am going to give out details of my blog site to my friends/relatives so they can check it out and if they like it visit it periodically. And they can respond by adding their comments. Hope I can start healthy debates regulary and keep every one busy and engaged in news/events. Insha allah.

Public Speaking 101- Special Edition for Leaders

I really can’t understand why persons occupying leadership positions keep talking stupid, irritating and annoying things and issuing statements which inflame public opinion. Recently, first it was the Pope when he said something about Prophet Mohammed (Bismillah Ir Rahiman ir Rahim), even though it was a quote of a speech by an earlier Pope, and then it was Jack Straw the ex-foreign minister of UK (weighing in with his remarks about Muslim women wearing veils) and now the Sheikh in Australia who has said that women who don’t cover their faces/bodies are open season for sexual attack by men. It is not clear whether he meant his remarks to apply for Muslim women only or he meant it for all women in general. If latter it would be really arrogant as he is not the spokesman for Women of the World, leave alone for all Muslim women. He had no business to say what he said. As a Religious Leader, he should not have had Sex on his mind and should not be looking at how men and women have sexual desires and what generates that desire. He should have confined himself to studying religion and doing service to the poor and downtrodden.

Of course, then there is the inevitable George Bush, who always puts his foot in his mouth with his remarks/comments/opinions (which are based on unfathomable ignorance) and who has become the laughing stock of the world (but with very tragic overtones for everyone) because being President of USA what he says and does is/can be much more constructive or destructive, though he seems to be happily oblivious of this.

Surely all these leaders must know that their comments will be broadcast by the media, which is always looking for sensational news, the more the better as it will keep the news/event in focus, helping in sales/circulation. In this internet age what the leaders say or do is being picked up by practically everyone and is giving immense offence to some section or other. Are they so insensitive or arrogant or do they do this deliberately with the intention to stir up and cause trouble. Or are they looking for their proverbial 15 minutes of fame which in recent times has usually become 15 minutes or shame.

Religion, Politics, Gender, Race have all become very explosive issues of late in these current uncertain times, with major wars going on (again ostensibly pitching major religions or civilizations against each other, to paraphrase these leaders themselves-West vs. Islam, etc) and with major cultural upheavals taking place all over the world continuously, due primarily to mass migration/displacement of people. The world is getting smaller and smaller, fueled by technological innovations and increasing speed of communication and it is becoming difficult for people to adjust to the proximity of other people of different backgrounds.

People occupying public/leadership positions should be very conscious of these developments and pause to think before making impromptu remarks/comments and think about the possible public reaction to their comments. This is not to restrict freedom of speech. They have a responsibility to anticipate reactions and think twice before saying/doing something. I think being a leader means being politically/culturally aware and having the ability to raise issues in a more moderate and acceptable manner. May be they can go for some course or other with academics to unlearn and re-learn Public Speaking. I would request these leaders not to say anything if they have nothing useful to say in the first place. Your ratings should be driven by deeds and not words alone. So once more my plea is to cool off and don’t venture into explosive issues without thinking of consequences and reactions.

All you will be doing is to increase the wealth of media barons who feed on such careless comments and you will also be alienating your constituencies. Unless of course, you are an investor in the shares of media companies and have taken it upon yourself to drive up the value of your investment. Is it the money that makes you go round and round?

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Present and Future Middle Easts

It is great to see the Tata Group of India venturing out to acquire the Corus Steel Company from its Dutch owners, thus consolidating steel production in the hands of 2 Indian groups, the Mittals and the Tatas. This is a very strategic move for India as it will dominate the supply of one of the most important materials for infrastructure building throughout the world. I am sure the Tatas had their eyes on the vast market shaping up to the east, China. China is undergoing a constant and continuous expansion of its economy and is poised to consume more oil, energy, steel and coal in its nation building. The two Indian steel empires are well positioned to take advantage of this and increase their business and profits.
This brings to mind the expansion in economic development taking place in India itself, fueled by the IT boom. The revenues it is receiving from software exports and outsourcing is boosting its foreign exchange reserves. India and China have amassed huge reserves and are cleverly using them to undertake rapid expansion of infrastructure and production facilities for various manufacturing industries.
They are going to overtake the developed economies like Japan, France and Germany soon, proving to the world that the East is rising and is here to stay and grow. In this context, it is interesting to note the geographical location of India and China in Asia. India is in the middle and China is in the east end. Is not correct then to say that they are going to be the real Middle and East of the future. I have always wondered why the Arab countries of Asia are called the Middle East when they are located at the western most end of Asia.
Anyway, if the present Middle East with its vast oil/energy sources and the real Middle (India) with its huge professional/managerial talent and business acumen and the East (China) with its enormous appetite and market join together, they would soon be an unbeatable combination and front to challenge the Western world for economic prominence and dominance.
I hope the leaders of China, India, Iran, UAE and Saudi Arabia, the real players in Asia, take a note of these developments and opportunities and work together to develop Asia as the future economic superpower it should be. I also think this is the right time for a new economic group of all Asian Nations is to be established by the leaders of China and India to realize this potential
Will the Elephant and the Dragon dance together soon?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Iraq- A way to clean up the mess but will George Bush go for this

I think the mess in Iraq can be cleaned up if George Bush accepts publicly that it was a mistake to start the war in the first place and seeks the apology of the Iraqi people. He can then bring Iran and Saudi Arabia together to a peace conference under the auspices of United Nations. USA can get the backing of Saudis to help Iran develop its nuclear technology for energy purposes (just as it was ready to do with North Korea) and if necessary get the Saudi consent to Iran having a couple of nuclear warheads. The Saudis can also be persuaded to use their oil money (which is increasing daily thanks to the higher oil prices which is the direct result of the war and the uncertainty it has brought) to help in reconstruction of Iraq. The Iranians, in return for the co-operation they will get to become a nuclear power (which is the Iranian ambition) will get the Shiites in Iran to make peace with the Sunnis and persuade all of them the Sunnis and Shiites and the Kurds to join together in a coalition government. The United Nations will appoint a monitor who will be sort of a Regent to make sure the coalition government works properly to restore peace, law and order in Iraq and use the aid money from the world (principally the Saudis and the Americans) to rebuild Iraq. The logistics will be worked out and implemented by the United Nations. This will be the most massive reconstruction after the renewal of Europe under the Marshall Plan and the whole world can participate in the re-building and help the Iraqis.
Will George Bush consider this option and work for peace?
A Million or is it a Billion or Trillion dollar question?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Nuclear Tangle or Triangle-India, USA and Iran.

It is strange that USA is taking all efforts to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions while itself possessing loads of nuclear weapons and having the notoriety of being the only nation in the world to have used the Bomb. It is also involved in the spread of nuclear technology and materials to its friends around the world, ostensibly for the purpose of peaceful use of nuclear energy. But its friends have used the technology to build nuclear weapons. This includes Israel which is reported to have deliverable nuclear warheads
The latest friend USA has acquired and is selling nuclear technology to, is India. USA has now forgotten that India has always been against USA’s monopoly holding and use of nuclear technology. So America has decided that if you can’t beat them, join them. Now it is going to sell technology to India. But Indians are clever. They have read the present mood correctly and have realized the America could be pressured to be liberal in its rules. So they have got away with selective inspections and the freedom to continue their research and development into weapons technology as well in isolated facilities which are not open to inspections. Kudos to India for getting the better of America
And then comes Iran, which is a good friend of India in the business field and has been helped in its own economic development by the Indian professionals. Why does America not believe when Iran says it won’t use nuclear technology for military purposes? Is America the only authority in the world to decide who is reliable in their promises and assurances and who is not? It is not just double standard, but multiple standards when it allows its friends in the Western world to develop and possess nuclear technology/weapons and allows and trades with India in these materials but does not believe in Iran.
But I believe the real reason for America getting cozy with India now is money. America has realized that the restrictions imposed on the development of nuclear technology by non-nuclear club countries and new entrants are hurting its own business prospects and it is losing money in a lucrative field. So what better way than to rope in India which has a huge demand for energy and which can afford to buy the technology now thanks to its good reserves. After all it is money that makes the world go round and more so it is money that drives America in different directions with different purposed and ideologies.
America will do anything to keep its business interests growing and will change its policies as required to keep the money flowing in.
So don’t be surprised if one day America makes peace with Iran and even North Korea to enable it to be the sole or dominant provider of nuclear technology. Bombs ‘Made in America or Made with American Technology’ are welcome as they bring in more money to America.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Madonna and the Kid

Madonna has a right to adopt a baby she wants to and if her fame and celebrity nature helps her to speed the process, it is all the more good for the baby in question, because he can escape early to start his good future. This may also have the beneficial effect of countries reviewing their adoption procedures/rules to make it easy for benevolent outsiders to reach out to help orphans. The only thing to remember is, the celebrities who adopt orphans should be as sincere in raising the children. And it might be a good idea to restrict the number of children each celebrity can adopt because I think they may not be able to devote time to all the kids in view of their busy lives. We dont want the kids to end up in a Private Zoo with keepers minding and feeding them for the occasional display to the public, do we?

Blair and Bush

Now there is debate in UK after the General Dannant's comments about the British troops in UK. They are wondering whether they should get out of Iraq when it is possible with the army intact or whether to continue into the slide into anarchy and get caught up in the aftermath. I think Bush will not allow Blair to get away so easily. Blair is tied too closely to Bush and is blinded to the reality of wht is happening in Iraq. Bush will stay the course as he has nothing to lose himself. Blair has his escape route in the form of Gordon Brown who has already been anointed as successor. So it is just a question of time before both leave the scene altogether. Bush will be fired by his people when the Republicans are dislodged in the November election and Blair has taken voluntary retirement. So both have nothing to gain by withdrawing troop now. What a pity, as they will stay the course and cause more damage to the fabric of Iraqi society and destroy more of it in the process.

The purpose or shall we call it the Grand Design

I started this blog inspired by my nephew. He is a blogger himself, though I understand he is not very active in this forum at present. He has other forums available for him and he is making good use of it. I have my first posting on the Veil, and I am expecting some reactions. meanwhile I was contemplating what I wished to do with this and I have come to a decision. I think I will use this space to post brief first reactions/comments to news items. Sort of sounding off with my big mouth. And also to see whether my friends pick up and recognise me and write back to me. And if there are any reactions to my reactions , I will try to respond. This way healthy debates can take place. Hope I am doing the right thing, in the right forum and in the right manner.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The veil

I am a New Zealand Citizen of Indian origin. I grew up in Madras now Chennai where people of all religions inter-mingled freely without any trouble. Right from my young age I have moved with Muslim families and it was quite common for us to see many Muslim women walking, shopping and inter-acting with rest of the society, while wearing burqua (head to toe covering). We never even thought about it consciously and it was just part of the society and taken for granted. I am sure they were not desparate are trying to be different. It was just the way they lived and was easily accepted by others. Not only this, each religion had its own peculiaritie requiring its adherents to wear somethings, either signs on their bodies or a particular type of dress and it was all accepted as natural. We also had several visitors from overseas who used to wear shorts and revealing tops and they were also tolerated and not made fun of. In fact they were welcomed and given due courtesy as revered visitors.
Only now with mass migration of people moving to western countries, the natives of western society feel that anything different is bad, without trying to understand the culture/religious circumstances. I am sure like any religion, Islam also requests its adherents to treat women with respect and it is being followed by most. Treating women as sex objects and portraying them in a cheap way is a purely western concept, propogated by Advertising and we can see this on-going degradation on TVs, newspapers, billboards, internet etc.
So it is sad that inappropriate remarks are made by persons occupying positions of high office, about Muslim women wearing veils and interpreting this in a wrong way and genralising it with stupid assumptions. This will only alienate muslims and other migrants and will be very much counter-productive.
Let everyone live his/her life in his/her own way. Dont be scared of different ways of living/values. The so-called split or confrontation between Western and Islamic societies is more in the minds and imagination of politicians and vested interests and is being fuelled by newspaper articles giving prominence to these mindless utterances.
I think a bit of cooling-off is necessary. 9/11 was a great tragedy. But it is in the past. Let us move on without the hangover causing more damage than the original incident as it has already done in Iraq and other places.